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The top 4 farming blogs

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Individuals who want that transition from office life to farming but are reluctant because they are not confident enough in their skills and knowledge need not worry anymore. With the onset of farming blogs, farming information is readily available just by the click of a button. Managing a farm is no easy task but with the information available on farming blogs which include regular updates on the latest techniques, valuable information, and tips on how to conduct proper profitable farming practices. Here is a list of some of the most informing farming blogs available on the net. The top 4 farming blogs are:


  1. AgriDirect.

Agri Direct is a youtube channel that specializes in farming. They take an individual through the evolution that has occurred in agriculture. On its team are specialists such as veterinarians who offer essential useful information to upcoming farmers and already experienced farmers. The also regularly update their blogs in light of recent technological advancements. In addition, they run a website that sells farm appliances and artefacts .they offer tips on how to carry out important farming activities.


  1. receives over twenty thousand visits from farmers and other agriculture professionals. They offer a platform where farmers, professionals, and funding committees can meet and discuss on the way to improve farming. They regularly update the content about farming blogs onto their website to best suit the current trends and up-to-the-minute information. Moreover, they have a subsection of the site that offers links to sellers of farming tools.


3.Fresh Eggs Daily.

Fresh Eggs Daily is a must-read farming blog for individuals interested in chicken-farming. It is run by Lisa Steele, a country living lifestyle blogger. She owns her chicken farm. Lisa blogs about everything from nutrition, health, and chicken behaviour. Her blogs are quite informative and colourful. Her farming blogs have been listed among the best chicken-earing blogs in the globe. She regularly updates her blog daily, thus provides a lot of content and information to all upcoming chicken farmers. In addition, she blogs about delicious recipes and her lifestyle as a mother and a farmer.


  1. Hannah Binns.

Hannah Binns is a part-time student and farmer’s daughter from Lincolnshire. Her blogs will take you into her adventurous life as a farmer’s daughter. She works as a trainee graduate in agricultural policy at the National Farmers Union. Her blog gives an insight into the various challenges a modern farmer experience and innovative ways to deal with these problems. Her farming blogs are entertaining and very informative.


A couple of other honourable mentions are How Farm Works, Girls About the Farm, Girl Meets Bee, Our Little Coop, Farmer Jake, Female Farmer UK, Northview Diary, Stories from the Farm, The Unexpected Farmer, Bee Havern Acres, The Beginner Farmer, Farmers Weekly, Afri Farmer, and Farming Secrets.

Generally, farming blogs are entertaining, informative and provide day to day tips on how to run a farm successfully while making profits.



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