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the transformational leadership

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the transformational leadership

In the transformational leadership which deals with leaders who are committed between leaders and their followers. Idealized influencer which is an element of transformational leadership i was able to bring a charismatic personality that mainly influences others not to become like their leaders. as a leader, i was able to take risks while also following a core value and other ethical practices as a leader. as a leader, my strengths were that i followed my values more than others. Being an idealized influencer i portrayed the behaviors of acting as a role model before my followers. Through the concept of idealized influencer, my followers trusted me and also i gained trusting them. Before thinking of myself i was able to think of others first which inspired me as a leader to motivate them in the workplace by offering them a tour annually. Here i realized i had the weakness of not minding about myself than how i minded others. As a leader, i was able to be intellectually simulated where i was able to instill creative and innovative ideas to my followers. i used this opportunity to enable them to think critically before making any decision. i also applied the concept of individualized consideration whereas a leader i attended to each follower at a personal level to coach them while acting as a mentor to them.

Being able to apply the knowledge of a transactional leadership style as a leader, the rewards and punishment i give to my followers are contingents depending on how the follower performs at work. For me to know how the employees performed my strength here was that was able to track all the mistakes each worker did. Management use exception style, where i actively selected the most important operational and financial results of the business and bring them on the table to discuss with the followers. Keeping financial records required one to keep past mistakes thus allowing me to keep track of the current mistakes. Being able to apply a passive management style assisted me in avoiding actions until there are no more actions or problems that can be handled. Laissez-faire leadership which is a Passive style of leadership offers the resources but does not supervise how the resources are used. The passive leadership style enabled me to make my own decision and not be influenced by the followers. Being able to make an individual decision was my strength.

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