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                                THESIS INSTRUCTIONS



USING THE sTopic and Annotated Bibliograpy that is uploaded please do the Outline and Thesis.


This is the second project that will help you formulate your paper. Now that you have some secondary sources, have finished reading the Iliad, and have hopefully found some passages to back up what you have to say about the virtues you see in the Iliad, now you should show how you plan to formulate all of this into a paper. For this I want you to create a thesis statement and an outline.

For the Thesis Statement, all you really need to do is introduce the three virtues you found in the poem, and to list them out for the reader to see. Something like, “In the Iliad, people are driven by the desire to achieve three virtues, namely Virtue1, Virtue2, or Virtue3.” Don’t copy what I say exactly, but come up with something similar.

Now for the Outline. For this you need to provide some idea of what quotes and support you have to show why the three virtues you chose were so important. Each virtue should have at least three details, namely quotes or facts, to support it. These details should be either whole quotes, or long descriptions of what the evidence is and how it proves its point. You can use the mode outline below to help you along the way.



In sum, upload a word copy of your thesis statement and outline.



Some Rubric


10.0 pts

Full Marks

Three virtues chosen, clearly delineated

7.0 pts


Less than three virtues listed or some problem with the virtues (like if they are not actually virtues)

0.0 pts

No Marks



20.0 pts

Full Marks

Outline contains all required components.

17.0 pts


Outline mostly complete, perhaps missing a detail or two

14.0 pts


Major gaps in the outline, missing a whole virtue or missing many sub-points for virtues

0.0 pts

No Marks



20.0 pts

Full Marks

Outline includes full quotes from the Iliad that will be used in the paper that support the thesis, or significant description of the part of the story to be used

17.0 pts


Generally good description of chosen evidence, with some points and evidence less well developed and listed briefly

14.0 pts


Outline is more like a list of topics and evidence rather than including detailed descriptions of what exactly the evidence is. Or evidence in outline does not correspond well to thesis.

0.0 pts

No Marks


  Remember! This is just a sample.

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