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Things that Average Restaurateur May Not Understand about Hotel Foodservice

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Things that Average Restaurateur May Not Understand about Hotel Foodservice

JD, the Hotel Gm together with the hotels F&B director ( David Bander) were having lunch with the manager of a successful

Italian restaurant which is near the hotel(Robert). They discussed various issues like lack of wow factor in the hotel and Robert gave multiple suggestions on this, for instance, putting up an Italian menu because it is popular with most people among other tips. If I were JD, after listening to these ideas from Robert, I would first thank him for sharing these fantastic ideas with me. I would appreciate him too and invite him for more meetings to discuss such incredible ideas and initiatives.

2) Things that Average Restaurateur May Not Understand about Hotel Foodservice

Restaurants are very different from hotels as they focus not only on food but other services such as room services, Wi-Fi services, among others. Just like in this scenario of Robert and JB, an average restaurateur may not understand some other services that are crucial in the hotel foodservice and may only focus on the foods. According to Robert’s good advice, he is advising J&B to focus on introducing the Italian cuisine and introducing fast food at the breakfast menu. Yes, they are good, but they are not so relevant in a hotel service business compared to other services. It is because people do not just come to the hotels just for food, there are other things such as holding a meeting, food thus may be just the secondary reason for choosing the hotel (Hall, 2019). Restaurants only deal with food services; hence the restaurateur may not understand some of the hotel services.

3) Replacement of David Bander

David’s bander is the hotel’s F&B director if he resigns there is a need to been keen on choosing his replacement. Yes, Robert has excellent ideas, but I would not want him as David’s replacement. He is an already established restaurateur, but it doesn’t mean because he can run his restaurant ideally he will be a perfect hotel F& B director because these are two different lines. I would look for a more experienced person in the same line for the replacement of David.


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