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Time-Sharing Versus Multi Programmed Batch Systems

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Time-Sharing Versus Multi Programmed Batch Systems

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Time-Sharing Versus Multi Programmed Batch Systems

A time-shared operating system is one in which each job is given some time to perform, and all activities are given time to operate smoothly without any problem. Supposing there are users connected to a single system, then every user is provided CPU time. Time-sharing is a strategy that requires several users to jointly access a single computer device, situated at various terminals. Multiprogramming is a functional variation to time-sharing. The time of the processor, which is exchanged concurrently by several applications, is called time-sharing. The processor performs several tasks by alternating between them giving the customer an instant reaction

In Multiprogramming batch systems, you can execute several programs (or jobs) of various users at the same time, by switching the attention of the CPU back and forth among them. This transition is typically triggered by a reasonably sluggish input, output storage request that a buffer, spooler, or channel may manage to start processing (Deitel, 2017). The primary explanation for the introduction of a multiprogramming operating system is that they enable the CPU to be utilized more effectively. If this job requires an I / O operating system, it moves to another job (always occupied with the CPU and OS). Memory jobs are often less than the number of jobs on the disk (Job Pool).

The benefits in operating systems with time-sharing are as follows; they provide quick reactions or responses; they avoid software replication; they reduce CPU idle time. Time-sharing operating systems have the following drawbacks; they have reliability issues; they have problems with software systems security and computer protection and also aspects of data communication. Multiprogramming operating system advantages are as follows; they improve the efficiency of the CPU; they reduce the average execution period taken to perform a job; they also maximize a computer’s total job throughput. Multiprogramming operating system disadvantages include the following; they are relatively advanced and more complicated, and they must maintain control of all sorts of tasks; this operates simultaneously.




Deitel, H. M., Deitel, P. J., & Choffnes, D. R. (2017). Operating systems. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson/Prentice Hall.




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