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Tips on How to prepare toddlers for school before admission

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Tips on How to prepare toddlers for school before admission

Are you planning to admit your toddler in the preschool, then you must be thinking about how your baby will co-operate there? This common question arises in most of the parents who are going to leave their kids to the school for the first time. It is natural that all toddlers don’t react in the same way while spending a few hours in an unknown place, leaving their parents for the first time. But if you follow some tips and train your toddler properly, then it can be easier for them to cope up in school for the first time. The following tips on how to prepare toddlers for school before admission can help you to start the journey in a comfortable way.

Tips on preparing toddlers for preschool

There are some points that can help your baby to feel exciting to attend the school for the first time in his or her life. But you need to be careful as overdoing or rushing your kid to make them feel comfortable at school can leave a negative impact on them. So, you need to be very careful according to the psychology of your baby while following the points.

  • Create a similar ambiance in your house

You can create an ambiance of play school in a separate room in your house to train a toddler before sending him or her to school for the first time. You can keep a separate room as the playschool for your kids at home. Keep some soft toys, balls, baskets, crayons, and pages for your kid. You can take your toddler to the room for a specific time on a regular basis and help them to play with those things regularly. And after a certain time bring back him or her. So, that the similar ambiance of the playschool will be comfortable and known to your baby, and he or she will feel comfortable there.

  • Set a routine for your toddler

When you are planning to put your kid at the school for the first time, you need to change his or her routine. When they are in the house, they may sleep whenever they want or eat whenever they feel hungry. But it will not be possible in a school, and that may make your baby irritated there. So, you should put your kid in a specific routine beforehand so that the toddler never feels uncomfortable, sleepy, or hungry in school. This is very important to prepare your toddler for school before admission.

  • Talk about preschool beforehand

You should tell some interesting stories and bright sides of going to preschool to your toddler so that he or she feels excited to go there. You should politely give him or her an overall idea about what he or she should expect there. You can tell something interesting and loving about the school and teachers. It will help your toddlers to feel good for the school. But you need to keep in mind that you should not tell these things to your toddler all the time. Once in a day is enough.

  • Develop self-help skills

If you are one who helps your kid in every work, thinking that he or she will not be able to do that, then you need to stop it now. Your toddler may not say all words at 3years of age when you are thinking of admitting in the preschool. But you need to encourage them to express their needs in their own way. Otherwise, they may not be able to let the teachers and caregivers understand what they want. So, keep an eye on the development of your toddler’s self-help skills.

Practice saying gentle bye to your toddler

Most of the toddlers who cry in school feel insecure there without their parents. The goodbye from the parents make them insecure, and they think the parent will not come back to take them. So, parents should give confidence to their toddlers of coming back to them within a short span after saying bye. If you can explain the meaning of saying goodbye to your kid and give them the confidence of coming after saying goodbye, then they may feel a little secure when you leave them in school for the first time.

Apart from this training, if the school allows the parents to be with kids for in the first few days, then you should take this opportunity. Be there with your kid and play. It will help them to feel safe in the new place. In this way, you can prepare a toddler for preschool and start the educational journey in the best way.

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