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Topic: “3. The power of language to control others has been a central theme in several topics covered in this subject. However, language also has the power to define self and reality and thus empower individuals. Draw on two or more aspects of this course to discuss these viewpoints”

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Topic: “3. The power of language to control others has been a central theme in several topics covered in this subject. However, language also has the power to define self and reality and thus empower individuals. Draw on two or more aspects of this course to discuss these viewpoints”


Language is the extension of self-expression where the individualistic perspectives get openly presented. History has given us several instances from reality where ‘language’ has proved to become the strongest weapon to stand the test of times. Bringing about revolutions, creating effective movements, leading the world towards progress are all manifestation of vocal oration and powerful communication. Language thus carries the status of empowerment that has the persuasive impact to drive change among masses, create critical thinking, make logical judgments, and establish rationality among generations (Tenzer & Pudelko, 2017). The present essay portrays ‘language’ as a powerful tool used to control. As language stands as the epitome of empowerment they reflect the reality and strongly define the identity of self. Viewpoints discussed in this subject matter create substantiating support facts to acknowledge language as the powerful equipment to establish control. in the history of human communication and an important symbol of human civilization. On the one hand, it leads human beings from the “barbaric era” to the “civilized era”; on the other hand, it realizes the real transcendence of language communication from the perspective of time and space. And the difference between words and language lies in that it is a changed language form, which transforms auditory symbols into visual symbols and makes language tangible and preserved. The appearance of writing is the symbol of human civilization. Writing constitutes a relatively independent world, and its function is embodied in history.


Reality instances from history have strongly held up ‘language’ with the esteem of a powerful controlling agent. The eighteenth-century has witnessed societies in England to create an authorization premise to prescribe language with increased emphasis. Public speaking has been critically appraised at varying stages of evolution across varied social paradigms. Although the language is used and acknowledged to be the prime source of control within social civilizations, much of subjective differences are viewed depending upon the orator (Boroditsky, 2010). It is determined upon the power of the orator whether the mass influence can be established among the social lives. When the social podiums were not uniformly accessed and public speaking was declined, it was primarily the church that created the oratory power. Language has been used that the protective, out breaking and active vocalizing to create change in social thought, progressive outcomes, and mass revolution.

Sheridan enunciated that oratory power creates ultimate control among social premise where language becomes a crucial weapon of uniformity. As a manifestation of world power, Britain was found to make use of language in an effectual manner to prevail dominance and supremacy over the world. Britain has realized as to remain at power and be the controller to the world it would be inevitable to derive great oratory skills. It is language which is viewed as the prime source to drive Britain as the power figure in front of the global podium (Evans, 2010). This manifestation of control through the power of language is utilized for making English as the standardized linguistic option with support from various theorists. Sheridan has been one such theoretically inclined personality who stood in favor of standardizing English as the language of supremacy and to be used for creating control across generations over the world. The British strong believed and gradually realized with passing ages that one effective means in which an empire can ensure supremacy and create controlling dominance is through the exercise of language in a cautious manner.

Sheridan further substantiated that it was the advent of modern language preference that one could evolve and progress to do away with the primitive language systems. The freedom of expression and voicing out of perceptions became a vivid medium to create realistic viewpoints. It was language that created the identity of self-empowerment to project one’s thoughts, believes and actions. It also acted as the persuasive driving motion to create historic transitions, revolutions and mass progression by oratory power expression through the use of language as the vocal influencing tool (Simpson, Mayr & Statham, 2018). It was emphasized and reflected upon the rich historical past where language has been the foremost tool to establish power control and devise change in society. It is during the period of colonization that language became the one and only weapon to drive power manifestation the verdict of Sheridan advised that without language as the authoritative controlling agent of self no change is possible to be brought about. Ranging from education to business to legal attributes it is the linguistic dominance that creates validation, expresses rationality and strongly established facts. It is the local, regional or national government that holds language as a pioneer of reality reflection to empower individuals within the new world (Rhodes, 2018). It is the infrastructure of language as global equipment that needs to drive changes for progress in education, medical, legal and other functional arenas. There have been consistent revolutions conducted keeping English as the face of language as the primary medium of interface and interaction.

Language carries the privilege to create communicative dominance through core activities of functional areas. Establishing uniformity in the version of language spoken is pushing the reality situation towards empowerment through right to speech and expression. With correct grammatical precision the use of vernacular approach across education is creating a strong self identity to project personal views, ideas and thoughts in making changes through behavioral manifestations (Evans, 2010). Australian colonies show realization towards language power dominance as the assertive identity presence of self. English has been uplifted with increased credibility to establish uniformity across educational, debates, business and legal attributes through Australian colonization.

Moreover, language plays a duty to in influence cognition of humans. In absence of language, it is challenging for humans to see the world surrounding them. For instance, since we are aware of names of certain items, we could quickly receive and receive them immediately at sight, organize them in our brains according to the rules of language and eventually revert to language. The effect of language may be more pronounced by contrasting languages. A remote country without culture (with or without culture is language, language is peculiar to mankind), they think that whether it’s the name of the person or thing is divine, besides the godfather and some members of the clergy, it is not called out, because the name of the strength is very strong, are likely to be used for evil. But for us, a name is artificial, even arbitrary. It’s just a code name, just like calling a “table” a “chair” doesn’t change its meaning in real life. From this point of view, different languages can perceive things from different angles. language had also affects the Angle and the way people make observation. When comparing or using a different language, for example, Germany has been an earnest and careful people, in their system of language, with a serious, cautious and other describing words, these features describe the things observed and letting it be more of using the words, thus at whichever time think of anything that habitual zone consists of these features. However, Americans are a bit different. Whether at work or in life, they get humor in it always. It is not so much a role of their cells of humor but as a result of their humorous tradition and humorous language.

When talking about linguistic relativity. There are two implications of linguistic relativity: one is that the content of a culture can only be fully expressed in the language of that culture. Another meaning is that concepts originating in one culture, if spoken in the language of different cultures, have different meanings, at least in terms of the images they evoke in people’s minds. Speaking generally, hypothesis of sapir – whorf believes that language impacts how people view the world from the outside. For instance, the language of Eskimo language has a dozen words meaning “snow”, as English has one meaning for snow. This proves that people that are Eskimo think differently about snow when compared to speakers of English. The concept of the language being spoken affects how one thinks sounds quite obvious, something people just ignore. Speaking French a whole day will make you start to think stylishly; talk Swedish throughout and begin experiencing a good feeling towards taxation. However, what is the relationship exactly between what happens in the head and the words being used? If, Swedish for instance lacks a word meaning taxation of which they do; which is beskattning), would they have the ability of conceiving it? (Speaking relatively: do the words we use influence our thinking 2014) From this we can see that different language can also influences the way we see the world. Which gives us an idea that language determines people’s thinking?


Language is used as the equipment to create a unique attitude to define a person effectually. It is the use of language that powerfully shapes the identity effectually (Lund, 2011). The self, personality, identity, and realities are likely to get invariably impacted with the empowerment of language application. Language creates mediums for transformation in progressive thoughts and develops speaking as well as listening power. The uniform manifestation of power reflects the exertion of perception and assertion of ideas to create mass movement and excellence.

Worldwide, the responsibility of languages has increasingly become important and subject to sensitivity. A language is a powerful tool that can either destroy or build a country or a person. The capability of having massive words databank and intelligently formulating the words forms critical thinking. Language paves the way and enhances the process of expressions and thinking. It is crucial to understand its meaning, and its usage and its interpretation.

Language differentiates people from animals. We share ideas through language, educate ourselves, and enhance our lives. Language assists the surroundings to evolve. Language has permitted societies to be built upon co-operation and idea exchange. Language is everywhere throughout today in human society. In the absence of language, people would be like apes whereby they point fingers at everything they perceive.

Together, as a society, family, country, and globe, those who speak from the same dialect share a recognition sense. Therefore, men transcend inevitably and perpetuate their customs, religion, and myths through the functions of the society of their x language respectively. Language is applied in daily processes and also blends within societies and influence lifestyles. Any society has pillar stones which include its human potential and population, which both depend greatly upon communication in the language form. Communication of emotions and ideas is vital for a society to develop thus making it possible due to language formation. Language has helped society because of the domino impact of the advantages obtained from the chance to communicate. Common talks and word exchange which forms and maintains relationships within the social relationships in daily lives is intentional communication. Language plays a great role in interpersonal communication and communication between humans individually and also within their society.
















Boroditsky, L (2010). Lost in translation. The Wall Street Journal. Boroditsky2010.pdf

Evans, N. (2010). Dying Words: Endangered Languages and What They Have to Tell Us. Chich, Malden: Wiley-Blackwell.

Lund, N. (2011). The relationship between language and thought. Languages and Thought. London: Routledge, 9-12. Language and thought pdf

Livingstone, J. 2014. ‘Relatively speaking: do our words influence how we think? (Links to an external site.)‘ The Guardian.

Rhodes, R. A. W. (2018). Control and power in central-local government relations. Routledge.

Simpson, P., Mayr, A., & Statham, S. (2018). Language and power: A resource book for students. Routledge.

Tenzer, H., & Pudelko, M. (2017). The influence of language differences on power dynamics in multinational teams. Journal of World Business, 52(1), 45-61.



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