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Trump will not be Re-elected in November 2020

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Trump will not be Re-elected in November 2020


Countries need leaders to organize their daily activities and have the well- being of the state. The leaders are always chosen by the electorates who will gauge the leaders on some values and virtues. The need for human beings for holding such positions pulls an interest in some contestants. Elections once carried out determine the fate of leaders in the next election depending on the countries policies. The electioneering period is interesting based on the events that surface during the time and the promise. Also, it unfolds many of the events that happen during the leader’s term of service. It gets more interesting when the focus on the presidential bid. The interest revolves all around the world and the concern is on who will get the power. In addition to that, the support from different stakeholders leaves the public with some questions.

America as a world superpower brings alto of interest when it comes to the election period. Apart from that the nature of voting for an American president is one that brings concerns for the whole world. Lastly, many people are known to have an interest in the American election due to the history the country holds. The much anticipated US election come November 2020 is one that has brought interest in the world. Many stakeholders are looking at the possibility of Trump being re-elected or not. The interesting part with the election is the number of concerns it has among peoples. The issue and conspiracy that have been brought with the Trump administration. They all start with his failures in his promises and the misuses of power. It was well geared and staged during his impeachment motion and year to election. The conspiracies came along with actions taken by the president to ensure he remains in power. The concern revolves around the current economy, citizens’ trust, relationship with other countries, and current Coronavirus pandemic.

Research Finding

The economic status of a country determines the future of the country and its ability to manage. America has been known for its stability in the economy over the past recent years. However, the Trump administration has been blamed for the slow motion of the economy since the takeover of power. It has been attributed mostly to the issue of trade wars between America and China. With the economy being slow in growth Trump having to be re-elected becomes a concern for him and his government (Gauvin, 2020). The fear of missing re-election was evident when Trump sent his negotiators to China to close a deal on the trade wars. In his move to make sure that the economy is on track the president used extra powers. During the trade war with China on the launch of the 5G network. He went the extra mile to shutdown china’s operation with the android companies that they run. It is this that brought alto of criticism but Trump got to his stand and didn’t change that. The move was one that was being seen as one that will give him a soft spot. In addition to the trade wars, American economic growth has been said to destabilize overtime during the Trump administration. It is this that leaves Trump with administration worry of not being re-elected.

Citizens are key stakeholders in determining the fate of the president as they determine the votes. In the previous election, Trump was known to have a surprise presidential win from the votes. He managed to get votes from some states but though missed out on the majority vote. In the previous polls that have been conducted Trump seems to have lost a number of his key states for votes. The states include Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin where he managed to gunner many votes (SAMUELS, 2020). They have lost interest in his administration bearing in mind the action that the president and his administration are doing. In most of the states that the president seems to lose support, it is a result of his action. It has been geared by the fact that he used his power to outshine the leaders. In a case for example during the border wall debate, he wanted to use finance from the mentioned states. He was to use finance that was out of the jurisdiction of his office from the states. It is this that reduce the support that he enjoyed from the states. The decrease in trust has resulted from the president’s actions like being a bully. In addition to that, the impeachment which was facing Trump also brought about losing trust from the people in the states. Such loss of mass support is one thing that will prevent Trump re-election. It is mainly by the fact that this is strongholds for the president.

International relations determine the well-being of the country and how the various actions are run. In addition to that, the relation will also determine the president’s re-election during a general election. Trump has destroyed the good diplomatic relations that the US had with other countries. The countries in question all began with Mexico during the Border Wall construction. It then extended with the immigration rules with which Trump imposed. It is this that created a bad spirit between America and other countries. The countries for which the relations were destroyed include Mexico, China, Australia, and Ukraine. Despite that, he kept on making good relations with countries such as Russia and North Korea. Such countries have a history with the US which the citizen believes they should distance. The president during the border wall had one argument. He had a stand that all the immigrants seeking asylum were terrorists. He claimed that they were the ones in charge of all criminal activities that disturbed the American peace.  All the actions against the immigrants lead to revolt from both the citizens and republicans. It was one of the reasons behind the debate to impeach him as president. Citizens believe that Trump intends to use such forces to make sure that he is re-elected. With the relationship being destroyed Trump bid for the second term is under jeopardy (Mullaney, 2020).

Pandemic is meant to determine the president’s ability to take care of its citizens. The Corona Virus Pandemic has come a time when the election was just about to be held. It is this that is going to be used as an assessment tool for Trump re-election. However with the matter in hand and how Trump is handling the pandemic, he will likely not be re-elected. The first issue revolves around whether Trump will postpone the coming election due to the pandemic. If that will be the case then he can be sure that the election will not favor his administration.  In addition to that, how the country is handling the pandemic under Trump seems not to be the best. In the whole world, America has established many cases and this is a threat to Trump re-election. The discussion on the pandemic puts Trump at the spot again. The number of deaths has brought many discussions on how he is dealing with the issue. The main argument is on how he used dealt away with president Obama Taskforce for the pandemic. It is that has increased the death toll in the US and it put him at the limelight. The issue of his possibility of pushing the election to a further date also makes him a center of discussion.  In addition to the increasing number of deaths, the administration will most likely not see the power come to the elections (Doom, 2020). Lastly, with the administrative action to remove the pandemic emergence task force, it will not be easy on their side to win an election.

Research Impact

Elections play a key role in the future of the country as they determine the key aspect for the success of an individual. Looking at whenever a country goes to the election the members of the public are to be enlightened on the period. One should make an informed decision when it comes to an election to secure a better future. The decision should precise if one is looking at a president who is seeking re-election. The determination of the choice to have leaders should be based on their success and failures. The success and failures are looked at the economic status, international relationship, and the president’s promises. If one suits the position then it is right for them to be allowed to lead. It is because the choice of a leader affects the kind of life that one lives and his future lies in the decision made. The topic of Trump reelection is one topic that keeps being ignited by the happening in the current world. The response of the president to the above-mentioned issues keep him away from being in a position of being reelected.




Doom, D. (2020). Trump won’t win 2020 election because of coronavirus, ‘Dr Doom’ economist predicts. Retrieved 4 May 2020, from

Gauvin, D. (2020). US: Why Donald Trump won’t be re-elected | The Africa Retrieved 4 May 2020, from

Mullaney, T. (2020). Five reasons Trump won’t win in 2020. Retrieved 4 May 2020, from

SAMUELS, B. (2020). Poll: Majority thinks Trump won’t be reelected in 2020. Retrieved 4 May 2020, from


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