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 Two Poems

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 Two Poems

Poem #1: Caged Bird

According to the speaker, what are three things the free bird does? 

According to the speaker in the Caged Bird poem, the three things that free bird does include floating downstream, leaping in the wind, and dipping his wings in the rays of the sun with a target of claiming the sky.

What has been done to the caged bird’s wings and feet? 

The wings of the caged bird are trimmed down. The feet of the bird are tied. Despite the condition of the bird, he still opens his throat to sing. Caged bird further explains how the bars are used as a “bar of rage.” The wings of a caged bird do not necessarily have to be clipped

What is the subject of the caged bird’s song? 

The subject if Caged Bird song is, “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” The song is based on the poem by Maya Angelou. The subject of the song describes how trapped birds resort to singing as the way to freedom because the bird is unable to fly (Angelou, 1983).

How does the free bird regard the sky? 

Free bird perceives the sky as something that it has control over, something that it can claim for itself. The bird view the sky as somewhere without any limitation and restriction, it can move freely.

Where is the caged bird’s song heard? 

The caged bird’s song is heard from a distant hill, this is because the song is encaged is a section of the hill. The song comes out with a fearful shrill and sings fir freedom. It also sings the unknown things that the bird longs for.


Summarize the meaning of this poem. What is this poem about?

The Caged Bird poem is about two birds with opposing experiences, one of the birds is living in the free world, where it does what pleases it, while the other bird (caged bird) suffers in captivity. The caged bird sings because of the suffering that it is going through, it sings to cope with its current situations. The expresses their quest for freedom through the song.


Poem #2: Some Advice to Those Who Will Serve Time In Prison


According to the speaker, for what reasons might someone be imprisoned, or

“Thrown inside”? 

According to the speaker, someone can be imprisoned for not giving any hope in the people, the country, and the world. The speaker believes that someone can be imprisoned for not have contradicting political opinions, which to some people may appear like an individual is not having an impact on the future.

 According to the speaker, what is the prisoner’s “solemn duty”?

According to the speaker, the “solemn duty of a prisoner is to live to spite the enemy.

How does the speaker say the prisoner should be affected by the movement of a leaf

at forty days’ distance? 

According to the speaker, the leaf movement distance should affect the prisoner because a prisoner is expected to remain connected with the best part of the world; the outside world.



According to the speaker, what kinds of scenes are “bad” and what kinds are “good”

for prisoners to imagine? 

The kinds of bad scenes according to the speaker is when one is thinking of gardens and roses while the kinds of good scenes are when one is thinking of mountains and seas.

 According to the speaker, of what must the prisoner make sure to “pass ten

or fifteen years inside”? 

According to the speaker, the prisoner must ensure that the jewel out in his left side of the chest is retains its luster. In layman’s language, the prisoner must make sure that his heart remains strong so as not to give up.

Find an example of a simile. Copy the line here and write down its deeper meaning. 

In Nazim’s poem, various figurative language has been used including simile. Nazim uses similes to compare himself with a stone in the well; he informs the prisoner that part of him is capable of living alone inside the same way stone at the bottom of the well is lonely. Nazin also uses a simile to compare the heart of a prisoner to a jewel, he went a he went ahead to state that the prisoner shall be fine so long as it does not lose its luster

Find an example of a metaphor. Copy the line here and write down its deeper


In the line, “to think of seas and mountains is good”Nazim uses the metaphor, “seas and mountains are good” to shows that seas and mountains are signs of hope for the prisoner (Hikmet, 1995).

Summarize the meaning of this poem. What is this poem about?

The poem, “Some Advice to Those Who Will Serve Time In Prison” Is about a prisoner who lives a dual life; half of the prisoner tied down to the life in prison while the other half is connected with the occurrences in the outside world. The poem describes how the prisoner continues to remain positive and never to give up despite the challenges; he does lose hope in his people, his country, and the world. Nazim urges the prisoner to live in a way that upset the enemies. He also advises the prisoner to think of mountains and seas and to wait for letters.





















Angelou, M. (1983). Caged bird. Shaker, why don’t you sing.

Hikmet, N. (1995). Some advice to those who will serve time in prison. Index on Censorship24(1), 160-161.

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