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ULM Lesson Plan Template

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ULM Lesson Plan Template




Classroom Supervisor:

Lesson Date:





Primary Subject Area and Grade Level:

Approximate Duration:

The primary content of this lesson is lesson plan writing. The lesson starts with drafting lesson plans and ends with a presentation of the complete lesson plans.

2 hours class period

Class Information:
The class involved the use of handouts as some of the unique resources.


Lesson Planning


The lesson involves students working in groups to share ideas on lesson plan preparation. The students have to prepare drafts of their lesson plans, which the lecturer checks to determine whether they are up to standards.

Content Standards/GLEs Addressed:
The standards addressed are that of a lesson plan with all the required information needed for a complete lesson. The lesson plan should also have a proper organization.

 Interdisciplinary Connections:

An essential subject area is lesson plan preparation.

A second subject area is asking questions.

The outcomes are important in prior learning since each student should have information about lesson plan preparation. In the real world, lesson plans are important, and making them is a good skill. The outcomes are also important in future learning since students will be in a position to prepare well-organized lesson plans.
Student Learning Outcomes/Objectives:
The students will be able to prepare standard lesson plans with all the required information about a lesson.
Activities/Tasks (Lesson Procedure):

Enter the lesson procedures under the Lesson Sequence column below as numbered items. The procedures should clearly describe the sequence of learning activities. Be very precise when explaining the teacher and student tasks during the learning activities. Identify aids/materials where utilized, the assessment technique, and group size for each activity

Lesson SequenceSupplemental Aids/MaterialsAssessmentGroup Size

I will tell the students to form groups and start preparing lesson plans.

  • Handouts
  • Charts
  • Lesson plan proformas
Tutor observation of the draft lesson plansThree students

I will ask students about their experiences in lesson plan preparation.

RegisterAsking questionsOne student

Planned groups

Speaking in pairs and discussion

Question and answer

  • Handouts
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Chalkboard
  • Lesson plan proformas
  • Lesson planning in class
  • Draft lesson plan produced
  • Lesson plan for microteaching
Three students

I will tell the students to collect their final lesson plans as they leave one by one.

Lesson plansTutor observationOne student


The students should prepare complete lesson plans on their own and collect them in the next class.

HOTS Questions:

How long is the lesson in your plan?

How many students will form complete groups in your lesson plan?

What challenges did you face in preparing your lesson plan?

How were your group members helpful in the preparation of your lesson plan?

Modifications/Accommodations and Access for All:

I will ensure that the classroom is organized in such a way that the physically challenged can easily move around. I will also ensure that the discussion groups have a combination of special needs students and normal students. I will also ensure that the chalkboard and PowerPoint presentations have big writings, which are visible to students with issues of sight.

I will also ensure that asking and answering questions occur in shifts where no student is allowed to talk twice before another speaks for the first time.

Early Finishers:

For the students who complete individual work faster than others do, I will allow them to have a second look at the visuals and prepare a second lesson plan if they are willing.


To reteach the lesson to those who did not succeed in individual work, I will prepare new discussion groups and make the workgroup work.
I will also ensure that the groups have students with mixed abilities.


More reading materials

More samples in the form of handouts

More practice exercises

Assessment Criteria:
Content knowledge, student knowledge, and appropriate resources aligned to instructional outcomes.

  • I will ask questions
  • Compare their lesson plans with standard samples of the same
  • A lesson plan that structures active learning of students
  • Where all students can prepare standard lesson plans without leaving out important information



Most students (three-quarters of the class) met the objectives and prepared standard lesson plans. The use of PowerPoint presentations helped the students to achieve their goals. Grouping students with combined abilities would have done better. I will use more visuals and group students, taking into consideration special needs children and grouping them with those who have no special needs.




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