unctional organizational design is a structure that is used for organizing employees in the workplace
From the reading, functional organizational design is a structure that is used for organizing employees in the workplace. Most employees are grouped based on specific skills and knowledge. In companies, functional organizational designs structures all the departments depending on the role they play form the president up to the sales departments breaking down to every employee being assigned one product and services. This design is beneficial for a large organization such as Nike where all the employee possessing the same skills and experiences are put together. This helps in making production more efficient while generating high quality. With functional organizational designs, employees are confident of what they are doing since it is standardized. It increases their loyalty to the organization and departments, increasing their morale and work ethics since they are assured of job security. However, the disadvantage is that functional organizational design causes boredom since employees have to repeat the same works all through.
Functional organizational design is applicable to big companies that produce a few types of products and services. In those companies that require a depth of knowledge instead of breadth of information can use functional organizational design. An example is where fundamental research and development of any program is suited to utilize functional organizational structure since the project capitalizes on the departmental expertise. In the case where a lower-performing employee is promoted over them. In organizations that have a rigid structure, then it is hard to implement any changes, innovations and flexibilities, which make it hard to implement functional organizational designs.
Lateral coordination processes are where a company employs a horizontal form of communication as well as joint decision-making processes that cut across the vertical lines of authority. This is applicable in organizations where communication is critical for coordination of activities, efforts, and fulfilling of the same objectives.
Assignment 2
Functional organizational design is the structure which is used in organizing worker by