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VA medical scheduling in Cleveland

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VA medical scheduling in Cleveland


Benefits of VA scheduling

The system is perceived to enable the veterans to be in a position to book appointments with doctors. This aspect will enhance the service delivery and time saving to the veterans when seeking medical attention (BOYD, 2019). This technology will improve the timely deployment of medical staff when medical needs arise to the veterans in Cleveland.

Analytics model used

The current VA system is considered to utilize the SAIL (Strategic Analytics for Improvement and Learning) model to assess the effectiveness and performance of the various measures undertaken to provide health care to the veterans of Cleveland. This model is considered to comprise 25 quality measures in areas such as complications, patient satisfaction, and death rate of the veterans seeking medical assistance ( | Veterans Affairs. 2019). The data obtained by this model is updated every quarter to enable the analysis of the performance and the effectiveness of the different procedures undertaken and guide the development of effective systems that provide high-quality services.

The system contains data on the various medical outlets within the state and their rating based on their performance in assisting veterans in attaining effective health care services.  Other metrics included for the analysis include the perception of employees, nursing turnover, and their efficiency in service delivery ( 2020). Such a model is associated with providing quality information on the areas which perform less and which require to be worked on to make the system effective and less faulty. In this case, the information provided is highly analyzed to provide the specific information associated with the various activities undertaken by the multiple health care partners and the effectiveness of their services.


BOYD, A. (2019). VA to Pilot New Scheduling System at Same Ohio Facility that Tested the     Last Solution. Retrieved 21 April 2020, from modernization/2019/09/va-pilot-new-scheduling-system-same-Ohio-facility-tested-last-     solution/160183/.

VA Resident Processing | Education | University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center |     Cleveland, OH | University Hospitals. (2020). Retrieved 21 April 2020,      from  education/incoming-   residents-and-fellows/next-steps/va-resident-processing. | Veterans Affairs. (2019). Retrieved 21 April 2020, from               ent_and_Learning_SAIL.asp.





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