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Victim Advocacy Group

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Victim Advocacy Group

Part I: Research and select a victim advocacy group. Provide a brief history of the organization and detail what they do to assist victims. (1–2 paragraphs) Part II: Identify strengths and weaknesses of the organization′s advocacy efforts. Note: Consider comparing and contrasting the organization′s efforts with other advocacy groups. (2–3 paragraphs) Part III: Make substantive recommendations on how the group can improve their services. (2–3 paragraphs) Paper Requirements: Complete all three parts of the assignment. Length: 3–5 pages. The minimum is three full pages of text (excluding cover pages, abstracts, and bibliographies). Be sure to meet the minimum page requirement. References: Minimum of 2 outside academic references, not including the textbook. Any source copied word-for-word is a quote. All quotes must appear within “quotation marks.” Refer to the Syllabus for more on quoting and paraphrasing content. Format: Standard APA format (see the Files section of the Course Menu for sample APA essay and reference format). Use 12-point ″Times New Roman″ font, double-spaced, 1” margins all-around, and no additional spacing between paragraphs. In-text references should be limited to the following format: (Author’s name, Year of publication, page number). For example, if you paraphrase or quote the textbook, the in-text reference may appear as follows: (Burgess et. al, 2012, p. 102). Do NOT write a short story, whether fact or fiction. Examples should be limited to academic studies or published data. Do NOT write in the first or second person (i.e. I, Me, My, We, You, Let’s, etc…).

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