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Violence between groups

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Violence between groups

Southern Poverty Law Center defines a hate group as an organization that acts bias and defiles a group of people based on their affiliation. The Federal Bureau of Investigation defines a hate group as a social group of people who openly express hatred on a specific group or association. So there are comparisons to both definitions only that SPLC categorically identifies organizations or top leaders of organizations.

Sociology is important to hate groups because it changes the consciousness of how people view one another and make them understand organizations such as LGBTQ.

What I learned about these groups are

  1. They are different types of groups with different ideologies
  2. They are spread throughout America
  3. There are several numbers of hate groups spread all through the states
  4. Most of the hate groups are either religious groups or white nationalists
  5. Hate groups can get violent and harass individuals in a society

One of the hate groups is the Nation of Islam. It is mounted on the black American culture and was founded in the year 1930 on the objective of building the black American. It has publicly denounced homosexuality and shows target the LGBTQ community. The purpose of the Nation of Islam is to fight against white supremacy and policies that they feel unjust and unfair, and not to forget their open discrimination against homosexuality and instead promote the Islamic ideology that their founder Wallace D. Fard and teachings of Elijah Muhammad. However, despite Elijah’s passionate instructions about prophet Mohamed, he called out white people the devil.

If at all a company finds has an employer who expresses his hate during duty, the company or employers have the right to terminate the contract of that employer or, in other terms, get the employee “fired.”

Names of hate groups can be very deceiving, such as the Nation of Islam. It is not logical to call an organization a nation of “peace,” which is translated from Islam, especially when the organization has been in a series of violent acts like murder. From the name alone, nobody would know to believe the acts of violence they have caused to society.

The story that stood out for me was about a person who was violently harassed by an old American. The American asked, “why did you invade my country, …go back.” The reason why this story stood out for me was that it was in a public gathering for the whole world. Racism is still in the present society despite measures taken by law enforcers to get rid of racist out if the community and into correctional facilities such as prison.

Despite having ideologies in different sects across the country, I still believe that hate groups play a significant role in the increase in violence between groups such as the white nationalist groups that do not recognize other races and disregard them with discriminatory remarks. Therefore, my perspective on hate groups still stands.

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