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Virtual Team Theory

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Virtual Team Theory

The world is evolving; every day, there is a confirmation of a discovery. The development of the world is due to the advancement of technology. Nowadays, people work in their conform zones by using the internet. Communication flow is endless; people are enjoying the trends of the digital world. Digitalization has brought a lot of changes in the world. People are continually using their creativity to digitalize the globe. The main impact is from the advancement of computer technology, the invention of smartphones, tablets, and computers. These gadgets have brought significant changes in many nations where people desire to live up to date. Communication has become electronic; people don’t need to meet face to face; communication flows through electronic devices. Virtual teams emerged as a result of available electronic communication. Virtual team theory is relevant to people who perform several tasks from different countries worldwide.

Virtual teams are teams of people who trust each other and can collaborate effectively. I am a Chinese and a victim of electronic communication. I am a business person who deals with electronic devices, so I have ensured that my clients are almost all over the globe. First of all, my team is made up of people that I trust and can perform tasks at any given time. However, it is a risky kind because I have lost products through clients that I trusted most. They disappear without notices. Working with electronics is very challenging because not all persons are trustworthy. I advise those who need to use virtual teams to be ready for any outcomes that are positive or negative. Furthermore, from the experience I have had so far has opened my eyes, and I will only work with reliable people, and also, I will open a platform where members share their views freely.


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