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We Need New Names Questions

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We Need New Names Questions


Part 1 for all class.


  1. Why is We Need New Namesa postcolonial novel? Articulate two themes of the novel which make it a postcolonial text. (min 150- max 200 words — 5 pts)




  1. How does the character of Darling change from the first part of the book when she is in Zimbabwe to the second part when she lives in the USA? Focus on one or two themes to answer this question. (min 250 – max 300 words — 6 pts)






  1. How do the young characters in We Need New Namesand Mustangpreserve their innocence in the face of their environment and circumstances (Paradise in Zimbabwe and a small village in Turkey)? Give at least one example for each story, and connect them. (min 250 – max 300 words — 6 pts)




  1. How do the young characters in We Need New Namesand Mustangbreak the chain of violence in their environment? Give at least one example for each story, and connect them. (min 250 – max 300 words — 6 pts)


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