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Week 2 Discussion 1 Brandon

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Week 2 Discussion 1 Brandon

Week 2 Discussion 1


I strongly agree that the selected pictures demonstrate what has been taught about urban decay. The lesson about location has been frequent in modern times and has existed since ancient times. Indeed, Pompei was an advanced city, had running water, functional sewage systems, wealth as well as commerce, considering that it was a coastal city which was as busy as other coastal cities situated along Amalfi Coast. The driver’s opinion was quite insightful, but I agree that it was the real thing. I agree that it seems that the people of Pompei have adapted to it because it has been prevalent in the society for decades. They have been through it, and they have developed the same cavalier attitude for no good reason. The Mussolini structures are often covered with graffiti, which affects the value of the beautiful Roman fountains. Indeed, the decay is the end result of immigration laws, as well as the slowing of construction projects due to the presence of archaeological sites in the area.


I agree that the photos selected demonstrate what urban decay is about in most cities in the world today. Looking at the conditions of the houses, it is evident that most builders and property owners fail to adhere to the codes that ensure tenant safety. The examples discussed illustrate that there is a lot that is missing in the municipal system. It is clear that the areas are difficult to look at, considering that there exists urban decay, which affects the beauty and value of the environment. Urban decay has promoted pollution, the growth of street families, vandalism, as well as crime because of the pressures exerted on the public resources when the population exceeds. Urban decay has transformed the houses and diminished their value despite once been beautiful, because it was kept and maintained efficiently.

Discussion Two


I strongly agree that large cities located in the United States play a significant role in the growth and development of the economy. The cities create opportunities for all people in the country, including those located in suburban, tribal, as well as rural areas. Cities are recognized to enhance the interaction of people from different backgrounds in relatively close proximity, which promotes creativity, innovation, as well as development. I agree that agriculture is one of the main drivers for enhancing food security. When population increases in the cities, the demand for farm produce increases because they have to survive and carry out daily activities and operations successfully. When population growth slows down, agriculture manages to sustain the existing demand. Most large cities around the world should embrace the most appropriate measures to sustain the food demand, mainly because most people are from different geographical areas.


I agree with the notion that agriculture has been used since ancient times to sustain large communities. From the past, people migrated in search of fertile lands for cultivation. This means that most people settled in areas that were very fertile because they would engage in farming, which enhanced food production to satisfy the demand. For Camarillo, it is evident that the surrounding hills and other natural barriers made it easier for the people to defend their settlements, considering that they felt like they were funneled. Cities also develop as a result of military strength and power. Like the city of Santa Barbara, areas that were strategically located were used by missionaries and soldiers to enhance their activities and operations in the area. The city was strategically located and was situated along a trade route that ensured a continuous supply of goods and products.



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