Which of the following is not a significant role played by the ACHE in encouraging healthcare units to reduce disparities and improve quality health care for all?
1). T/F. With the Department of Health and Human Services setting standards to achieve health equity and eliminating disparities. The black American communities continue to record the worst health care outcomes of all the racial groups such as high maternal mortality rates for the black women, very short life expectancies among the black men and rapid infant mortality rates experienced among the newborn.
2). Which of the following is not a significant role played by the ACHE in encouraging healthcare units to reduce disparities and improve quality health care for all?
[A] Apply every possible means, like carrying out peaceful demonstrations to recognize the racially/ ethnically individuals.
[B] Working with racially/ ethnically diverse organizations to help represent individuals from different communities.
[C] Making career advancement opportunities like education continuity and developing professional organizations available to the public can reach ethnically diverse persons and everyone else.
[D] External recruitment of applicants to the healthcare field to achieve a diverse ethnicity pool.
3) T/F. The U.S. health care Green House Gas emissions have increased gradually to more than 30% over the last ten years.
4) The following are facts about minority physicians in medicine. Which one does not?
[A] Individuals working together to come up with a solution to a problem tend to have diverse perspectives since they come from different backgrounds and their ability outperforms that of a single team member
[B] It is only in Filipino, where the number of women physicians outnumber the workforce of the male physicians when comparing statistics of Asian physicians’ subgroups.
[C] Most black and Hispanic or Latino physicians are produced in minority-serving institutions.
[D] Salaries earned by women physicians are less than that of male physicians.