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  Work Experience

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Work Experience


Quality and Skills

Security and Public Safety – Good knowledge of operating safety equipment and procedures on the vessel. He or She needs to understand safety measures in case of fire and other accidents on the vessel.

Administration and Management – Chief Officer needs to have leadership skills to manage the administration of employees on the vessel effectively. Administration responsibility includes duties such as keeping employees’ time log, supervising, and ordering them in their line of duty.

Inter-personnel skills – Chief Officer needs various inter-personnel skills to manage effectively all the employees under him/her. The chief officer needs to understand the cultural diversity of his team and the best way to ensure they work in harmony for the common good.

Excellent communication skill – Chief Officer needs good communication abilities to command employees to execute their roles. At the same time, he needs to maintain discipline and order among all the workers. Moreover, at the same time the chief officer through excellent communication needs to ensure team members are not offended and have healthy working relationships.

Stress tolerance – works under a lot of pressure because he acts as a bridge between management and operation. He is involved in both levels and most of the time the chief officer is caught in cross-fire between various departments. He needs to stay calm and supports all the departments.

Workplace ethics

Colleague’s privacy – Keep your fellow workers’ personal space and do not intrude on their privacy. One should not ear drop or try to investigate the personal affairs of crew members on the vessel.

Respect – All crew members on the vessel should work cordially and exhibit good working relations. Employees should respect one another and all working relationships should be respectfully and professionally.

Treat colleagues with courtesy   – The chief Officer should treat all crew members with kindness and politeness. The Chief Officer should not be rude to workers although he might be firm in his decision. Politeness and kindness will create harmony among all the crew members on the vessel.

Tolerance- The chief officer needs to be tolerant and understanding of his crew members. He should be compassionate towards employees and not harsh them. As the operational leader of the crew on the vessel, the chief officer should be tolerant enough to listen and accept different opinions which opposed to his own.

In interaction with the clients the business needs to maintain healthy and ethical relations. The customer service desk needs to be honest and factual with the customers. Customers need to be given accurate and timely information on cargo services on the voyage, costs of transport, and any other information needed. The business operation should be transparent and simple for the client to understand.

Protecting customer privacy and confidentiality – The customer service desk should not discourse private information about clients’ shipments and cargoes to unauthorized agents. Personal information should not be shared with the third party without prior knowledge of the clients.

In cutthroat business competition confidentiality in the workplace between employer and employee is very essential. Employers need to keep personal information about clients confidential and protected. Failure by employers to keep employee’s personal information confidential, exposes the employer to legal action by government authorities.  Moreover,   leaking personal information of employees such as a home address to the public may endanger lives. The employee also needs to keep business information from the employer confidential. Leaking of confidential business operation information can easily jeopardize the future if the business if the “trade secrets” leads in the hands of a competitor. Moreover, if an employee breaches the confidentiality of clients, the employer will be exposed to legal action resulting in financial and client loss. Hence, confidentiality is important in building trust between employer and employee.

Causes of Accidents and Remedies

Equipment failure – Sometimes ships and vessels experience engine breakdowns which leads to fatal accidents causing deaths and loss of property. This situation can be remedied by training crew staff members on how to properly operate machines.

Collisions at the sea- Head to head collisions between marine vessels have led to loose of numerous lives and properties. This collision mainly occurs at crowded seaports and narrow straits.   The accidents are mostly caused by faulty radars and fatigued crew staffs who are too exhausted to make sound judgments. These accidents can be avoided by using proper modern navigations tools and reducing the workload on overworked crew members.

Poor maintenance- Poor maintenance of the fuel chamber of the vessel has caused a fire. Seamen have lost their fingers and legs as a result of been trapped by poorly maintained doors.  Regular servicing of marine equipment will prevent this accident/

Workplace safety course.

MED Domestic Vessel Safety (Formerly MED A1/A2)

The course gives seafarers the information and aptitudes to avoid shipboard episodes, counting fire; get ready and react viably to onboard crisis circumstances or drills, and help in their claim survival and rescue. This course does not require endorsement by the Private Preparing Institution Department (PTIB) of the Service of Progressed Instruction, Aptitudes & Preparing.

MED Small Domestic Vessel Basic Safety (Formerly MED A3

This can be the least fundamental individual security preparing for seafarers working as group individuals of little angling vessels, workboats, or traveler vessels working 25 miles or less seaward.

Career Goal

Career Goal: I want to become Chief Officer

Programs: To become a chief officer I need to attend the following programs within the stipulated time frame.

Courses           Date Cost

STCW Marine Advanced First Aid           Sept. 14 – Sept. 18, 2020, $900

General Ship Knowledge Level 3             Sept. 23 – Oct. 16, 2020, $2,175

Chartwork & Pilotage Level 2                 Nov. 04 – Dec. 09, 2020                                 $2,700

Ship Construction & Stability Level 3           Jan. 05 – Feb. 02, 2021                           $2,380

MED STCW Advanced Firefighting              Mar. 15 – 19, 2021                                  $1,675

Communications Level 1                            Mar. 24 – Mar. 25, 2021                        $450

Navigation Safety Level 1 + Orals Prep.        Apr. 12 – Apr. 22, 2021                            $1,150

SEN- Electronic Positioning Systems Apr.           26 – May 11, 2021                              $2,485

Prerequisites: 24 months of ocean time performing deck obligations on a vessel(s) of at slightest 5 net tonnages; or 12 months of ocean time performing deck obligations whereas holding a Chief Mate, 150GT certificate.

Application: I need to submit my application by September 14 2020.

Cost and Financial plan: I will need $17,415 for the course. I will finance the cost of my study and other necessity from the salary of my Job as CSA.

Exams and Licensing: At the end of the course I need to sit for Transport Canada oral exam, a Chief Mate, 500GT, Domestic Certificate of Competency.

Applying for Work: I shall send my resume to BCFerries Company.

Promotions:  I look forward towards the position of Captain


































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