Writing about Setting
Setting plays an important role in the short stories we have read. Each protagonist experiences a transformation of sorts within his respective setting. The settings are brought to life through rich detail and imagery. Remember, setting is more than simply time and geographical place; for example, cultural conditions, historical contexts, and meteorological phenomena are aspects of setting. Playgrounds, cemeteries, houses, tornados, office buildings, gardens, the sea, castles, factories, rivers, parade routes, etc. (to name only a few) are all settings. In addition, any aspect of time is part of the setting: the various seasons and conditions in which things happen (day or night, winter or summer, etc.). Keep in mind what we have discussed about setting and how it is interwoven with the other elements of fiction. The setting influences the behavior of the characters. A character’s response to setting can reveal strengths and weaknesses.
First, choose the story you want to write about. Reread that story, paying careful attention to detail.
Here are some questions for brainstorming:
To what extent does the setting influence and interact with the characters? How exactly? How does the setting influence their decisions, attitudes and behavior?
To what extent does the setting contribute to the atmosphere/mood of the story?
How does the descriptive metaphorical language evoke moods through references to colors, sounds, smells, shapes, or tastes? For example, dark colors may invoke a mood of melancholy or desperation while bright colors seem to invoke happiness. Think back to our discussions about descriptive language/imagery and how it elicits sensory responses from the reader. The setting is brought to life through all these things.
Do things happen during the day or night? Does it matter? Are things warm and wonderful or cold and harsh? Or both? For example, in “Araby” the contrast between dark and light seems to create moods of sadness and joy. And indeed, the protagonist’s emotions swing from ecstasy to despair. Also, the contrast between the seemingly “normal” setting of “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” and the disturbing activity within creates an unnerving sense of apprehension and shock, as home settings are usually connected with safety.
What connections can you make between the work’s atmosphere/mood and the author’s ideas about life?
DO NOT FORGET THE IMPORTANCE OF EXAMINING THE IMAGERY! THIS IS HOW THE SETTING IS CREATED! The details are important! I want to see evidence that you are very familiar with your chosen story and that you have read it critically. You should have the story right in front of you at all stages of the writing process. You should keep referring back to it. WORK CLOSELY WITH THE TEXT. Knowing your story inside and out will help you write a better paper. Do not overquote. Carefully choose several passages that reflect what you are trying to say. Your interpretation is what’s important; be certain to support it.
Please remember these are guidelines. You are welcome to write about other aspects of your chosen story (as discussed in class). Also keep in mind you don’t have to write about every single aspect regarding your topic. Due to the relatively short length of the paper, you need to pick and choose the aspects you are writing about. Just make certain you indicate in your introduction what you’re focusing on and why, and you’re good!
Minimum length: 2 pp.
MLA style
Please keep your brainstorming, notes, and drafts all together, as writing is a process.