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Writing English Assignments

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Writing English Assignments


My name is Kyeshia Sanderson living in Aurora, Illinois. This has been my hometown for almost my entire life since we moved to this area with my parents seventeen years ago. I have special interests in shopping sprees, especially over the weekends. My best hobby is in beauty, where I apply makeup and make my hair. Sometimes, I help my friends in drawing their nails and making their eyebrows, which they appreciate. I also have a 2-year old son whom I love so much and is the source of joy in my life.

I have taken English classes in high school and also in college. The classes helped me understand the basics of writing, such as the general format and the APA and MLA writing styles. I also learned how to be creative in writing my assignments.

Through my English classes, I have come to understand that I possess some strengths as well as weaknesses in writing. Some of my strengths include the ability to sit still for a long time, concentrating on my work. Not all people can sit for long hours and focus on their writing without getting sleepy or bored. I usually take this as a strength because I can commit myself to long hours of writing to get my work done. The other strength is that I love reading, which makes it simpler for me to write my assignments. Through reading the course work and other external material, I gain a lot of knowledge, which is vital in writing. I have a few weaknesses in writing, but the major one is having too broad thesis statement in my work. The problem of the thesis statement comes unknowingly, whereby I find that statement is too broad for me to address adequately within the given assignment.

My hope in this class is that by the end of the course, I will be able to write a clear and narrow thesis statement, which will enable me to cover the subject of my writing adequately. I also hope to learn more about how to research different sources since I love reading. This will enable me to become the best writer because I will be able to incorporate my reading and research skills in my writing.

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