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2020 Best OTT TV Box Reviews

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2020 Best OTT TV Box Reviews

Many people prefer OTT TV Box models over regular television because it enables users to have more control over the vast content. With these smart devices, you can stream your favorite TV shows, movies, or even download apps from Google play store to your 4k TV screen.

If you’re looking for the Best OTT TV box that will change your viewing experience, this review is yours. Before we get into our top list, let’s have a quick view of what to consider before buying this product.

A Quick Buying Guide

  1. Operating System (OS)

Ott tv box models have specialized operating systems that determine their performance, user interface, storage, and much more. To avoid OS compatibility issues, you should choose a version that can work with your home’s smart hubs. For example, if your running apple technology in your apartment, you’ll get better results with iOS ott tv box types. Also, if you’re using Alexa, the best option is a Fire TV.

  1. KODI

Kodi is open-source software for integrating your audio and video files. It allows you to customize media activities like video streaming, playing music, or downloading the podcast. Luckily, you can install Kodi in all android ott tv box models. However, there’s a slight issue; that is; the software isn’t fully compatible with Apple devices like iPhone and iPad.

  1. Sound Passthrough

This feature allows your ott tv box to decode the sound of any compressed video file. In other words, it makes your video to sound better.

  1. HDMI, USB Ports, and Wifi

Many 4k streaming ott tv box models have either HDMI 2.0 or HDMI 1.4, but the former is superior and offers better performance quality when streaming 4K contents. Also, you’ll need devices with a USB 3.0 port to transfer large volumes of data faster. Models with Wifi or Ethernet connectivity will serve you better when streaming massive video files.

  1. Dynamic refresh speed switching

Generally, computers with a refresh cycle of 60Hz can process images quickly without your eye noticing any blinking. However, you’ll feel uncomfortable when viewing a 30Hz video on a 60Hz device. Since we can’t always eliminate the frame rate difference, dynamic switching feature synchronizes the rates to provide a better visual experience. Hence, if this software is unavailable, you’ll adjust the refresh rate manually.

Our Top Best OTT TV Box Choices

  1. Android 9.0 OTT TV Smart Box

The Android 9.0 Box is the ultimate for streaming videos or playing games on your television console. As the name implies, it features the Android pie version that ensures efficient functionality when loading games, videos, and pictures.

The 4gb RAM storage is significant compared to most models out there; as a result, we didn’t have buffering issues when streaming 4k shows. Installing files like games, pictures, and apps were pretty smooth for us, thanks to its 64gb ROM.

Besides having a user-friendly interface, this model supports almost all video and audio formats. The built-in HDMI 2.0 port can handle 6K output so that you can expect superior image quality on your smart TV.

What’s more, you’ll enjoy a 6-months warranty and lifetime support. However, its only downside is that it lacks a Bluetooth connection. But that wasn’t an issue for us since it already has both USB2.0 and USB3.0 ports.


  • Supports 6K resolution
  • Android 9.0 OS
  • 4gb RAM
  • Zero buffering
  • High-speed operation


  • No Bluetooth
  1. Fire TV 4K Stick

Amazon is one of the top players in ott tv streaming devices, and you can expect lots of fun from this Fire Stick version. Luckily, this one features the popular Alexa remote bundle that allows you to use the device through voice commands. We found it easy to use, and the voice feature was highly responsive. Besides, set up was pretty quick, and we enjoyed the clear pictures.

Another important thing about this unit is a 2-year warranty that proves the manufacturer’s effort at providing a dependable device. However, a few users complained that the pictures weren’t apparent when connecting via Wifi.

Overall, we believe the Fire TV stick is worth the money by looking at its high-tech specs and ease of operation.


  • Alexa system
  • 4K bundle
  • Ethernet cable and port
  • Super sound quality


  • Weak signal when using wireless


  1. NVIDIA Shield Android TV Pro

With many advanced features, the NVIDIA Shield model deserves a top spot on our list. Many users appreciated the built-in Chromecast function as it allowed them to display their phone apps on the TV screen. But more than that, we found that having the Netflix button made it easier to use. Besides, the buttons were soft yet highly sensitive.

Thanks to the fast NVIDIA Tegra X1 processor and Dolby Atmos feature. Moreover, with the built-in Google assistant, we could see photos, dim lights, check sports scores etc without using the remote controller.

On a side note, the internal storage is limited to 16gb which is a little low compared to our top pick. However, you can expand the memory to 128gb using the two USB 3.0 ports.


  • Google assistant
  • Ergonomic remote controller
  • Bluetooth connectivity
  • Beautiful design
  • Expandable memory


  • High price
  1. Xiaomi Mi Android Tv 4K HDR

The Xiaomi Mi model comes with Android 8.1 which offers limitless support for Netflix, YouTube, VUDU, etc. But we recommend you upgrade it to the latest Android version before installing any app.

Meanwhile, it’s best selling point is the ability to recommend games and YouTube videos depending on your search history. Besides, the remote’s menu button displays your apps over the screen such that you can easily navigate through without leaving what you’re watching.

Compared to our previous choices, the Xiaomi isn’t the most powerful but we found that it operates smoothly like many high-end models available. Luckily, it came with the Google Home feature which enabled users to speak to activate Netflix, volume controls, turn off/on, etc.

However, we noticed that it doesn’t support Hulu and Prime Video apps. Overall, it was fast, responsive, and didn’t display ads on Tv shows.


  • Highly responsive
  • Supports voice command
  • Easy to upgrade
  • Google certified
  • User-friendly interface


  • No support for Hulu
  1. Roku Ultra Media Player

The Roku Ultra is an excellent android ott tv box for streaming 4K and HDR contents. The picture quality was clear, colorful, and detailed. Besides, the included headphone allowed us to watch our favorite shows without disturbing others.

Unlike other items on this review, the Roku Ultra includes a free tv option besides other limitless streaming channels. Yes, you can access over 500000 movies and tv shows at a cheap rate. Set up is also quick and simple, and if you had Roku account, your previous apps will download automatically.

Most importantly, the navigation and app loading were fast and the voice search ability allowed us to control basic TV functions remotely. However, few reviewers complained about the mute button located on the side of the remote.

Looking at our experience and many positive comments online, undoubtedly, this is the best ott tv box for any smart home.


  • Remote finder
  • Private listening
  • Endless entertainment
  • Excellent picture quality
  • Ethernet port
  • Free tv


  • Location of mute button is inconvenient.

Our Verdict

We’ve so far suggested for you 5 top-rated ott tv box models on the market today. Each of them are fast, reliable, user-friendly, and packed with advanced features for your convenience. So, any of them will offer you the best streaming experience you can imagine.

If you don’t want to spend much, you can opt for Android 9.0 OTT TV or Xiomi Mi models. Indeed, both units are long-lasting and will offer you a lot of fun. However, if you want to spend extra bucks for superior benefits, then choose the Roku ultra and Fire Tv options. We hope you’ll have a worthwhile experience in your purchase.

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