Artificial Intelligence Technology
Artificial Intelligence has dramatically been on the rise in this century. In this paper, I will analyze two articles that address the concept of Artificial Intelligence technology. The first article is by Vyacheslav Polonski, and is titled “People Don’t Trust AI – Here’s How We Can Change That.” In this article, the author starts by marvelling the great improvements that have been brought about by AI technology in various fields. However, he cites that people have always been sceptical of AI. The article starts by probing into whether Artificial intelligence can be trusted when it comes to medicine. The author reveals an instance where IBM’s Watson AI technology was experimented in prediction in the field of medicine. The author cited that when most doctors couldn’t see the importance of the technology if it gave information that they already knew. However, if “Watson generated a recommendation that contradicted the experts’ opinion, doctors would typically conclude that Watson wasn’t competent.” (Polonski, 2018). This technology has been dropped by the centres that adopted it. The author writes that a lack of understanding of how AI operates is the reason behind the lack of trust. He adds that the way AI is portrayed in the media also increase the lack of trust, and thus, it stands to benefit a few. The author proposes three approaches that can sort out the lack of trust in AI technology. The first approach to this was to enhance more usage of AI so that people can fully understand them well enough. The other approach called for technology companies to enhance more learning on how AI operates. The last strategy is the involvement of people in the decision-making processes involving AI. I chose this article because it was majoring in Artificial Intelligence which is now a growing concept in the World. Despite the increase in AI application, various groups and individuals have been opposed to this technology. This is due to the misinformation and the lack of experience in the use of such technologies. This article also proposes ways in which we people can understand, embrace and benefit from AI technology.
The other article that I chose was written by Abishur Prakash; titled “The Geopolitics of Artificial Intelligence.” This article looks into how Artificial Intelligence technology is coming in between the battle for technology influence among countries. The author cites that China is seemingly crafting its path to become a global leader in Artificial intelligence technology by 2030. The author points out that China has started doing this by applying AI to its health care systems. China is aiming at gaining leverage over the USA in this technology, and their relationship with Russia also makes their AI technologies more famous that the American ones. The author also reveals that China was enhancing its AI ambitions by creating an “ecosystem that the rest of the world depends on.” (Prakash, 2019). This is through the programming, just like most companies that use American technologies depend on their atmosphere. The article continues by citing that the data collected by the Chinese AI technologies used by other countries would avail more information that would benefit their businesses. The article points out that China can’t be stopped now; instead, the United States should control how China behaves. Therefore, the author proposes that the US should create ‘AI Trade Organization’ that would enforce rules, standards, and ethics to be adhered to by nations. The author also reveals that the problem that China also faces is a lack of trust. Most countries seem to be sceptical of their technologies, thus, implying a geopolitical struggle between China and other nations. Likewise, the author also cites that the United States also faces the obstacle of data laws that benefits China. Thus, the article also cites that AI battle is proving to be the most significant global war since the World war II. Consequently, I chose this article because many people claim that AI is the future of the World; and that whichever country control AI also controls the World. Therefore, there can be several unethical practices that surround AI. Most countries might use AI as a means of their selfish economic and political gains. They can use these technologies in a way that violates information privacies in other nations – just like Prakash suggests. Therefore, these two articles expound more on Artificial Intelligence technologies usage and benefits; but also makes us aware of the implications.
Vyacheslav Polonski (2018). “People Don’t Trust AI – Here’s How We Can Change That.”
change-that/. Accessed on 21 May, 2020.
Abishur Prakash (2019). “The Geopolitics of Artificial Intelligence.”
intelligence/. Accessed on 21 May, 2020.