6 Hidden Factors that Affect Auto Painting Costs
Have you ever wondered why different car paint shops have different rates for the job? The answer is quite simple. The reason is that various factors are essential to some auto body painters and not so much for others. In this article, we are giving an insight into the common hidden factors affecting auto painting costs.
Where you live
The area in which you live is one hidden factor that most likely to influence the cost of your paint job. You may not have realized such a case because of other underlying factors, but you will note the significant variation in rates if you can try different auto body painters for the same task. For instance, painting a car in regions that experience hotter climates is more affordable compared to cool areas. Fading car paint in such areas is perhaps a common problem, and so low painting rates are because of higher demand.
In the same scenario, living in big cities can be the reason why you’re enjoying lower rates than those living in smaller towns. But do you know why? There are a lot of car paint shops making your region a competitive market. There can be one or two auto body painters in relatively smaller towns; hence individuals have no options to choose in the event of high car painting rates. However, the bottom line in car painting should not relate to price but quality. It makes more sense to spend more and get quality results for your vehicle, which is your more significant investment.
The level of detail
Some will choose a simple car painting, while others may go for intricate detail in the painting job. There is no doubt that you’ll incur a high rate if you want a fancy design or a nice trim or impeccable logo printed onto your car. Highly detailed or exclusive art in paint job comes with a price, and you cannot just compare with a cheaper choice.
The amount of change
Are you going to change your current car paint? Perhaps switching to a different color will cost you quite a bit. The painting procedure needed to obtain a quality but different color of a car is more detailed than retaining the same color. In a nutshell, the more significant the change in the car paint color, the higher the price.
Whether or not a sealer is used
Considering whether to use a sealer or not when painting your car is a choice. However, the use of sealers will definitely have an impact on the price. The secret to the durability of a quality paint job is a sealer, which enhances protection against scratches. Note also that these sealers are of different types, meaning some are costly than others.
Therefore, if you will be taking your car to auto paint shop purposely to refresh faded color, then you should keep in mind the above tips. While the amount you will pay for a car paint job may not meet your estimated budget, putting a focus on the quality of the job done is worthy of your special car.5