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Drugs, Gangs, and Organized Crime

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Drugs, Gangs, and Organized Crime

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Part 1

Gang suppression is the most used intervention when it comes to dealing with the development of criminal gangs in the United States.  This strategy involves both formal and informal social control procedures, including aspects such as supervision and monitoring of the youths involved in the various gangs to prevent them from undertaking criminal activities. Such processes have engaged the families of the many teenagers for guidance and parental advice for th children to refrain from illegal activities. This aspect has, over time, been futile as the number of gangs has continued to form. Numerous Gangs have continued to develop despite the existing suppression measures which have been in place. Suppression has also been made possible through the existence of information about existing gangs, and this has not hindered the development of new gangs.

Surveillance has also been a modern aspect undertaken to manage criminal activities, especially in the areas prone to organized crimes. This aspect involves the use of surveillance cameras in the various structures and public sectors to check on the various activities undertaken by different individuals. Surveillance has also enabled the tracking of illegal activities in society. The actions of suspected individuals who have been involved in the multiple crimes which are perceived to be organized. This process has been beneficial in the reduction of criminal activities as most of the structures have been installed with surveillance cameras. This process has been active and needs to be upheld since the program is successful in combating organized crimes

Currently, law enforcement systems have developed various measures to address the aspect through the involvement of the community in tackling the development of criminal gangs. The development of community-based practices has provided a useful measure when dealing with issues of illegal activities and gang development. This aspect has enabled the law enforcers to trace the information of the different individuals and their whereabouts making it able for the law enforcers to deal with the gangs before they become highly organized and start causing trouble to the society. The involvement of the community in the reduction of criminal gangs, drug use, and organized crimes has made it possible for the law enforcers to develop effective measures to involve those involved in actions and programs to change the behavior of the youths.

Part 2

The law enforcement system should check the way they undertake the intervention measures when it comes to aspects of criminal gangs, drugs, organized gangs. This aspect is crucial because it is associated with the use of excessive power when executing security measures. Also, the way they handle individuals from different racial backgrounds in their line of duty. Collaborative policing between the community and the law enforcers can be a considerable measure in the reduction of crime and criminal activities. This aspect is based on the fact that the community is an excellent source of information about the youths. This collaboration can provide useful measures in the reduction of criminal activities. Also, the partnership can enable the development of practical steps that can be implemented to make the youths refrain from illegal activities. In this case, the law enforcers and the community can collaboratively develop programs to engage the teens and keep them busy and generate income and avoid the thoughts of engaging in crime and drug use.

In the courts, restorative justice is one of the measures that can be used to reduce the aspect of criminal activities. This process is based on the fact that courts are responsible for providing judgment based on the existing laws. This process is considered ineffective since the individuals end up in jail, where they continue with the criminal activities after completing their sentences. Restorative justice, which involves the involvement of the community, is very relevant in the development of the punishment for the offender. This process is ensuring that the offended person is satisfied with the judgment made and that they do not hold anything against the offender. This process is very useful in the prevention of child incarceration, making giving the children the chance to reform. Therefore, implementing the use of restorative justice to be undertaken in some cases can be a useful measure, especially when dealing with cases involving the youth and children.

Correctional services should also develop training facilities within the correctional facilities to ensure that those taken to correctional facilities learn a given art so that they do not go back to criminal activities after they are released from the correctional facilities. Due to this case, the correctional centers should be transformed, and training programs initiated to make sure that the individuals who are taken there come out as different individuals who can undertake various activities in the society. This process can be beneficial since the transformative measures undertaken will not only rehabilitate those with individual cases such as psychological disorders but also make them acquire relevant skills in life.

Part 3

The lack of community involvement in the various programs could be the main obstacle in the implementation of some of the interventions made in the process of dealing with crime, drugs. This aspect will be based on the perception of the community towards law enforcers. Due to this reason, creating a productive relationship between the two parties can take time due to the past encounters with aspects such as the police and the various ways they have used violence when dealing with criminal activities.

The existence of bias in the information that the community provides to law enforcers can also be a challenge when dealing with crime. In this case, the information provided can be misleading as they try to cover-up for their youth since law enforcers have, for the longest time, used excessive force to combat crime. Due to this reason, the lack of trust towards the law enforcers may intervene to be less effective in the process of dealing with crime, drugs, and gangs.

Lack of resources is another hindrance to the success of the various interventions, such as the development of training facilities in correctional facilities and restorative justice measures.  The lack of such resources, such as learning materials and construction of structures that will be used to facilitate the learning programs for the different courses, might be costly to the government. Also, the cost of initiating youth programs to prevent them from engaging in illegal activities is considered to be high. Such expenses can make it hard for the government to implement such interventions.








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