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What doTerra Essential Oils Are Good for Depression?

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What doTerra Essential Oils Are Good for Depression?


Essential oils are aromatic plant extracts that are used in aromatherapy. These scent and flavor extracts are used for their excellent health and well-being properties and can either be applied to the skin directly when diluted with some carrier oil or inhaled. The extracted product retains the essence of their source plant in terms of flavor and scent.

The essence (scent and flavor) is captured through a distillation via water and steam, or through a chemical process like cold pressing, although true essential oils are obtained through distillation. Aromas of essential oils stimulate the limbic system area of the brain that forms memories, thus playing a role in memories, behaviors, emotions and stimulation of your sense of smell. The limbic system also has a role in controlling psychological functions like heart rate, blood pressure and breathing.

DoTerra has essential oils that can help a person undergoing depression, anxiety, or panic attacks through aromatherapy for holistic wellness.  Most of the oils are a combination of blends to give you the best experience of emotional health. Allow me to take you through some of the essential oils that you can use for various benefits, even at the comfort of your home.


DoTerra Essential Oils for Depression


Citrus Bliss: This oil is a blend of seven citrus essential oils of Mandarin, Bergamot, Tangerine, Wild Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit and Clementine. This scent promotes a cheerful, positive attitude that helps uplift your mood.

Wild Orange: This doTERRA essential oil for depression has the aroma of Wild Orange essential oils is revitalizing and refreshing. It inspires feelings of joy, abundance, spontaneity and energy. This scent will cheer you up whenever you feel down.

Elevation: This oil is a blend of Ylang Ylang, Lavender and Tangerine oils, designed to promote confidence and feelings of self-worth in you. This helps lower feelings of stress and depression.

doTERRA Motivate: This is a blend of mint oils like Peppermint, Clementine, Basil, with citrus. This powerful oil counters negative emotions, promoting feelings of belief, courage and confidence. The oil will help keep you excited and motivated about life.

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil: This oil promotes those feelings of joy, relaxation and comfort. It helps with the release of those negative emotions, and a remedy for anxiety and depression.

Melissa: This oil has a citrus-like, fresh aroma, that helps with relaxation and calming of nervous feelings. This oil is an antidepressant that calms your mind, releasing feelings of worry and sadness.




DoTerra Essential Oils for Anxiety


Rose Oil Roses have sweet, floral scents have both a psychological and physiological relaxation effects, with analgesic and also anti-anti-anxiety properties. Extraction of rose oil is from the petals, and the product is semi-solid and pale, and is also very expensive.

You can use the oil in your warm bath, or apply it on skin to relieve a headache, balance your hormones and soothe your emotions.

doTERRA Peace: A blend of Lavender, Cary Sage, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, and Frankincense essential oils. The oil promotes contentment and reassurance feelings, diminishing fearful and anxious emotions.

DoTERRA Cheer: This uplifting blend oil is perfect for the times you are feeling blue, down, or with negative emotions experienced by a depressed person. As per its name, doTERRA Cheer will evoke feelings of happiness and cheerfulness in you.

DoTERRA Balance: A grounding blend for relaxation of the whole body, making one have feelings of tranquility and balance. The oil is used to ease stress and anxious feelings, creating a calming environment.

doTERRA Chamomile oil: This oil has an inner calm effect on the nervous system, helping regulate the stress levels. Combine the essential oil with your preferred carrier oil and apply it to your belly button and solar plexus.

Lavender: This oil promotes self-aware and calm, soothing feelings. It generally reduces those sad feelings for emotional health, easing you to sleep. If you experience stress regularly, lavender will calm your nerves and help lower your heart rate and blood pressure.

Apply it on your wrists and temples with a rollerball, or mix it with a carrier to make some relaxing massage oil.



DoTerra Essential Oils for Panic attacks


DoTERRA Serenity: This oil is applied to your wrists and temples. It soothes your senses and calms your emotions. It is the ferfect blend to calm down a restless child as it helps in reducing stress and worry.

Clary sage oil: This essential oil has an earthy scent, that promotes feelings of inner peace and also is also great for balancing hormones and PMS symptoms. This oil is applied on pulse points, feet, or as a few drops in your hot bath for that calming effect.

DoTERRA Basil oil: This less known oil is one of the best mood boosting oils, that is considered sacred in India. Basil oil is a natural stimulant, that calms the nervous system from the effects of fatigue, mental strain, anxiety and depression. Basil promotes peace and the clarity of mind, that is enjoyed by adding a few drops of the essence into a diffuser.



Effective ways of applying essential oils for emotional health benefits

  • Use an essential oil diffuser
  • Massage the oil onto the scalp and at the base of the skull
  • Rub oil into the inside part of the elbow
  • Apply a few drops on the palm of your hand and inhale
  • For an all-day experience, rub the oil into your wrist area


Tips on Choosing High Quality Essential Oils:

Extraction process: The extraction process affects the quality of essential oils. Use those that are chemical free and have been extracted through distillation. In the absence of these, go for those that have used the cold pressing chemical method.

Purity: Go for oils that contain pure, aromatic plant extracts. Such will have their labels contain the botanical name of the plant. Avoid oils that have other synthetic oils and additives, and such will have their label read like” essential oils of rose”.

Reputation: Check out the reputation of brand before buying from them, see if they are known to produce high quality products.





Essential oils clearly have numerous applications for health benefits It is, however, still an area that needs more research to be carried on humans and the specific benefits associated with each oil and their negative side effects too. Some common side effects are headaches, asthma attacks and rashes. Swallowing essential oils can cause adverse effects on health, including death.

Should your quest for a life that is emotionally balanced fails to work with the use of oils alone, reach out and seek professional help.

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