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Impact of People in IT

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Impact of People in IT



Information technology has become an essential and integral part of the contemporary world. Information technology refers to various hardware and software that compose the technology of an institution, which includes operating systems, application software, servers, computer equipment, and user peripheral devices. Information technology also includes different architectural configurations and methodologies used to guide data storage and utilization. IT is also made up of an IT team, which is a group of professionals who specialize in varying disciplines in the technology field. They give advice and expertise in IT strategy, infrastructure, design, building, and maintenance within the organization. They also support the training of staff in using the technology available at their premises.

In the current interrelated world, IT is a primary role player in the world, and it affects our daily lives. In this present digital age, new technologies have been introduced and made easily accessible to people in their daily activities to improve their standards of living. The new technology gadgets are made in such a way they facilitate mobility making life more comfortable. IT is no longer a luxury for developing countries because, in recent decades, it has provided a wide range of new communication capabilities to be used at home, at workplaces, in education, health services, commerce, banking, and social network websites. IT has impacted society both positively and negatively (Bosamia 2013). This paper will dwell on the impact people have in the information technology industry.

Consumers impact on the information technology

            Marketing is a managerial function of a business to assist in the increase of sales. Marketing has steps that aid in generating, cooperating, and offering value to clients and bettering their relationships with customers. A business can decide to use operative marketing where they get messages from potential customers in a creative manner to impact their purchase. Customers bring an impact on the information technology sector because they are the reason why people do marketing for either a service or good their businesses are offering. In a contemporary world, businesses have embarked on digital methods of marketing themselves.

Marketing strategies must find the most effective way of communicating with customers. Businesses need to ensure the best technology funding is committed for marketing purposes. Several studies state that information technology has a significant influence on the relationship between global companies because of technology competition. To attain an economic advantage in the business market, traders should embrace various information technologies. The times of old fashioned and print advertising methods are long gone. The use of modern advertising technologies can enable an increase in the customer base and productivity.

Universal businesses can invest more in employing a different type of information technology to promote products to their customers. The incorporation of technology in advertising methods is, however, very expensive, and if there is no a well-laid plan, the applied method might bring about problems to the business. Customer satisfaction is essential for the well-being of a service or product on a market offer (Zhao & Priporas 2017). Small numbers of companies can currently embrace the fact that they view themselves as great information technology operators. The main reason for online marketing in business is to interchange services, products, and information through a virtual private network.

The impact of customers on IT can be expressed by the introduction of mobile marketing to increase a customer base. This method of marketing is commonly used nowadays. Mobile marketing is profitable and takes place when clients use mobile devices to create consumption. Mobile marketing incorporates SMS and computer internet websites to formulate better effects on brand observations between customers using mobile push and pull marketing (Bheekharry & Singh 2019). Mobile marketing gets efficient when customers are asked for permission to receive information on particular services or products.

Marketing also advanced to online marketing, where marketing is done on online platforms. Most firms prefer their advertising to be extended to online marketing instead of mobile advertisements using SMS. Online marketing came with advantages such as better management of stock, promoting clarity in pricing, effective sales procedures, and better analysis and coverage qualifications. Another commonly used online marketing method that has been adopted is the use of websites and social networks that aim at improving sales. The recently introduced online marketing methods include portals, search engines, websites, social media, YouTube, emails, and E-commerce (Foroudi, Gupta, Nazarian, & Duda 2017). The commonly used online marketing method is social media marketing. This form of advertising has proven to be less expensive compared to other traditional media. Online marketing has also been more successful with women customers as compared to men because women buy a lot of things online. Customers have impacted the growth of information technology as businesses look for different methods of advertising their services and goods.

Job professions impacts on IT

The profession field is currently at a state of flux, causing considerable anxiety. There is an increase in labor-market opportunities polarization of both high and low skilled labor forces. Many existing job opportunities have the chance to be automated by the use of technology. Similarly, job-matching sites have also been developed to assist people in getting jobs. These job sites include LinkedIn and Monster, which are changing and expanding the way people look for jobs in the modern world. Job professions have impacted the development of information technology with the build-up of these platforms where companies advertise their vacancies, and individuals have the opportunity to apply jobs that are relevant to their professions.

Different professions are also impacting the information technology sector by developing digital platforms where they can offer their services. An example of such platforms includes Upwork which comprises of different professions such as transcribing profession, professional writers among the many professions it covers. Uber has also been a recent development in the information technology sector, which enables professional drivers to get customers through the use of the Uber application (James 2017).

Teachers and information technology

            Education and teachers have also played a significant role in impacting information technology. As we all know, teachers are the primary source of knowledge in the current world. Education in the 21st century is heavily supported by informational technology, which helps students to accent the out-of-class information, and it has led to the motivations for learning. Teachers are embracing the use of informational technology with the extensive use of technology in their teaching processes. They resort to using of computers and projectors in their lessons to enhance the efficiency of their output (Knezek & Christensen 2001).

Teachers have adopted modernized methods of issuing assignments to their students. They prefer the use of school portals, where they post assignments for students to access. These portals are filled with revision materials that assist students in attaining their set educational objectives (Bhakta & Dutta 2016). The shift from traditional methods of teaching has led to the development of different digital learning tools such as the Google scholar, where peer-reviewed papers are available to assist students in attaining more information for their education benefits. Teachers impact IT since they contribute to the development of more digital sites and portals that aim at making learning exciting and more efficient to students.

Hackers and their impacts on the information technology

Information technology has been seen to be impacted positively in society, but there is also a possibility of it being negatively affected by certain factors. Hacking is the process of identifying and exploitation of weaknesses in computer systems and computer networks. Hacking has been considered a crime if it is categorized into a cybercrime where an individual commits a crime with the assistance of a computer and information technology infrastructure (Paul 2016). There is also another type of hacking referred to as ethical hacking, which involves attaining access to systems to fix an identified problem in the computer systems. Script kiddies are another category of hackers, which mainly are non-skilled individuals who gain access to computers using already made tools.

Computers and other forms of technology have been a vital tool in the running of a successful business. It is not enough to have isolated computer systems, and it is better they be networked to enable communication with external businesses. Computer networking exposes them to the outside world and hacking. Time and again, cases of hackers gaining unauthorized access to computer systems have been heard of in society. A business should, therefore, strengthen its computer systems to prevent them from hacking.

Hackers have come up with different malware, which are examples of IT infrastructures that are installed computers enabling them to silently transmit personal and financial information without an individual’s consent (“Dangers of Hacking and What a Hacker” 2016). Computer users are always exposed to a variety of malware that aid in hacking processes. The different types of malware are viruses, worm, backdoor, Trojan, RAT, rootkit, spyware, among many others (Jennifer 2017). Malware is a computer program that hackers create and sold on the dark web or used for their gains. Malware has been one of the negative impacts that hackers have imposed on information technology.

Businesses, therefore, need to protect themselves from hacking by employing certain strategies. They can be changing their passwords regularly to make default passwords unique to every user. Usernames and passwords are gateways for hackers into a business’s operating system, and changing them will prevent hacking. The business can also resort to choosing the correct internet service provider, which has a built-in security feature. They should also keep an eye on spyware by installing and regularly updating their anti-virus and anti-spyware. Customer data can also be encrypted to prevent access by hackers, and in cases of financial information, the business can outsource their e-commerce from companies like Google or PayPal. Finally, the businesses can limit their access and block unnecessary sites to minimize the chances of a security breach in the organization.


People play a significant role in impacting the information technology sector. Human beings are major causes of the positive and negative impacts on IT. They can either make use of the existing kind of technology to develop technology that can either benefit the society or even build one that is going to impact society negatively. In the cases of education, profession, and consumers, we have seen that these groups of people affect the IT sector positively by coming up with better technologies that assist the society and the business sector. Hackers, however, harm IT because they develop malware which is used for criminal activities and do not improve the living standards in the society.




“The Dangers of Hacking and What a Hacker.” Cybersecurity & Threat Intelligence Services | Webroot, 2016,

Bhakta, K., & Dutta, N. (2016). Impact of information technology on the teaching-learning process. International Research Journal of Interdisciplinary & Multidisciplinary Studies (IRJIMS)2(11), 131-138.

Bheekharry, N. D., & Singh, U. G. (2019). Integrating Information Technology and Marketing for Better Customer Value. In Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications (pp. 1-9). Springer, Singapore.

Bosamia, M. P. (2013). Positive and Negative Impacts of Information and Communication Technology in our Everyday Life. International Conference On “Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Approaches to Knowledge Creation in Higher Education: Canada & India (GENESIS 2013)”. Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.

Foroudi, P., Gupta, S., Nazarian, A., & Duda, M. (2017). Digital technology and marketing management capability: achieving growth in SMEs. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal.

James, M. “Technology, Jobs, and the Future of Work.” McKinsey & Company, 2017,

Jennifer, P. “Types of Malware – Hacker’s Guide.” Learn Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Online – Learn Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Cyber Security, Best Security, and Web Penetration Testing Techniques from Best Ethical Hackers in Security Field, 2017,

Knezek, G., & Christensen, R. (2001, July). Impact of new information technologies on teachers and students. In IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education (pp. 169-178). Springer, Boston, MA.

Paul, J. “What is Hacking? Introduction & Types.” Meet Guru99 – Free Training Tutorials & Video for IT Courses, 2016,

Zhao, S., & Priporas, C. V. (2017). Information technology and marketing performance within international market-entry alliances. International marketing review.

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