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CBM Corp offers various services

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CBM Corp offers various services

CBM Corp offers various services key among them are commercial cleaning services, building cleaning, office cleaning, industrial cleaning services, medical office cleaning services, post construction cleaning services, and restaurant cleaning services.

Additionally, the company offer speciality services which include stain removal solutions, upholstery cleaning, window cleaning service, sanitizing and disinfecting

The company’s headquarters are in 200 Oak Drive Syosset, New York 11791.

CBM Corp offers its services in 46 states in the U.S. It has over 500 locations distributed across the united states. The four states that CBM Corp services are not available are Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, and Nebraska.

The company has over 1,500 specially trained employees.

Examples of customers that CBM Corp has served include Pitney Bowes, Bellevue Tower, North Lynnwood, and NYC Law Firms.

CBM Corp is considered one of the largest names in building maintenance. It has achieved such a feat by providing services to many Fortune 500 companies.


The attached spreadsheet has been populated with the findings from Commercial Building Cleaning – Electrostatic Sprayers. Additional information on CBM Corp has also been provided in the speadsheet and a summary of the findings have been highlighted below.

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