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Muruny lies with a warm and temperate climatic zone. climate is classified as warm and temperate. According to Köppen-Geiger classification system, Muruny is climate is classified as Cfb.


The average annual rainfall in Muruny is 1309 mm per year. Most of the rain Muruny falls between April and September. January is the driest month with an average rain of 34mm. The wettest month is May with an average rain of 199mm.

Figure 1:Rainfall per month for Muruny.

Source. ClimWat


The average annual temperature for Muruny is 16.4 ° C. March is the hottest month with an average temperature of 17.4 °C while July is the coldest month with an average temperature of 15.4 °C. Figure 2 shows the monthly temperature for Muruny.

Source. ClimWat.

Table 1 shows other climatic parameters for Muruny.



Table 1

MonthRelative Humidity (%)Wind Speed (Km/day)Sunshine Hours (h/day)Eto(mm/day)

Source. ClimWat







Muruny is mostly covered by metamorphic rocks from the Precambrian age. These rocks are of more recent origin and displays evidence of being altered by instance metamorphism process. This meta metamorphic rocks were formed when the preexisting rock were subjected to high temperature, intense pressure, and other chemical and physical process causing them to change their structure and composition. The most common metamorphic rocks in Muruny are gneisses. In addition, these rocks contain minerals such as hornblende, biotite, and quartz-muscovite gneisses.

In some parts of Muruny igneous rocks of intrusive origin are found on the surface. These igneous rocks are found on the surface due to erosion of older basement rock systems by chemical, physical, and biological processes.


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