Highway to success. A story of Samuel Leach, a financial guru
Growing up in families with financial constraints can a blessing in disguise. It will make you think outside the box to make sure that you succeed. This is how one Samuel Leach, a 28-year-old man from Watford, used to attain financial freedom. He grew up in a broken family and shared a single room with his brother and father. This was the catalyst for him to think about how to make money.
Where it began
Samuel Leach joined West Herts University to undertake a degree in Marketing and advertising. To get money for upkeep, he sought opportunities only to require huge years of experience. Luckily, he learned about stocks and financial markets and invested money from his student loan, never turned back. In one year, he turned £2,000 into £178,000.
Employments spans
Samuel Leach interned and got employed at a private bank around London. The bank agreed to pay him a full salary but worked fewer hours. Stress made him forgo the job.
Starting his own company
Having gained the secrets and the know-how, Samuel Leach began holding lecturers on how to trade successfully to other university mates. In 2012, he launched Samuel and Co trading firm, which is FCA accredited to enhance tutoring. Since 2016 he had reached out to 3000 people across 63 nations.
Trading as a career
Samuel Leach has taken trading as a career. He finds like 100 hours to trade for himself and others on a profit share basis.
To reach the masses, he wrote a book sharing his secret on ways to hit the epitome of success in stock trading. In the future, he intends to retire at the age of 32 and venture into charity work.