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Security and Human Rights

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Security and Human Rights


Human rights are rights applicable to all human beings, regardless of sex, race nationality, ethnicity, religion, language, or any other status. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. Everyone is entitled to these rights, without discrimination. This paper explores security and human rights. The attainment of security and the assurance of human rights either are not contradictory, indeed or rule. By and by, the words ‘ safety’ and ‘human rights’ have, in the aggregate creative mind, presently come to indicate a practically insuperable resistance[1]. Any individual who takes part in the discussion over security and human rights is very quickly gone up against by this division, implied in the political require ‘another parity’ and express in paper articles needing the retreat from human rights.

Incited by the criticalness or assumed ‘exceptionalism’ of our occasions, legislators, judges and conscious people are altogether tending to the focal predicament of this division: how are we to ensure opportunity, through security without denying its substance by damaging human rights? For dissidents, the quest for another dialect of compromise among safety and human rights has seemingly gotten one of their most earnest scholarly difficulties. For sure, there is a developing sense in the institute internationally that the stakes of the considerations and contentions on this inquiry have been raised. The test of how best to protect opportunity and majority rule government without wasting them is not just a result of the dangers emerging. A trial has consistently existed at the focal point of the liberal popularity based venture.

It is this interest energizes just legislative issues, and the strain that prods its philosophical refinement. Besides, if we are to remain solidly inside the liberal majority rule custom, many would contend that security and human rights must be reconciled. National and individual security strikes at the core of sway: the ability to look after security, and certifiably along these lines, is a litmus trial of the usefulness of the advanced state[2].   Human rights, as positive explanations of the constituents of freedom, are the benchmark by which liberal majority rule governments are judged. Constitutions, parliaments and courts act to secure them and to compel the official’s overweening attestations of power. This study, therefore, explores security and human rights and how the two are interrelated.

Research Questions

Main research question

The main research question for this study is:

How better can security and human rights be articulated to achieve better results?

Sub-research questions

  1. What are the factors hindering the implementation of human rights?
  2. What is the relationship between security and international human rights law?


Relevant Legislation- International Human Rights Law

International human rights law lays down the obligations of Governments to act in specific ways or to refrain from individual acts, to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals or groups. Human rights will be rights that, on a basic level, every single human being are qualified for, only by ideals of being naturally social. They are sole rights, not attached to specific economic wellbeing or gathering, collective, national, or some other enrollment. Human rights do not need to be earned, nor would they be able to be constrained except by adjustment to the standard of law, for instance, when sentenced crooks are denied of the opportunity of development. Singular human creatures can attest their human rights, while states and different elements are obliged to regard, ensure, and satisfy them. To respect human rights implies not to disregard them; to secure them intends to guarantee that others do not abuse them, and to convince them means to execute positive measures to ensure that people make the most of their rights. Human rights are likewise natural, implying that the state may not pull back any person’s human rights except under conditions recommended by the standard of law or for certain rights just in circumstances of national crisis.

As to interchange between the international human rights legal system and the talk of social security, it is of most extreme significance to perceive that regard for, assurance of, and satisfaction of human rights are not strategy decisions[3]. States may not single out which rights to ensure, whose rights to secure, or when to provide them. States that have marked and confirmed the applicable human rights settlements are not allowed to organize one right or set of rights, over another in the satisfaction of strategic goals. Nor May states blame genuine or saw security dangers to single out which rights to regard, regardless of whether the risks are conventional state security dangers, for example, military assault or new human security dangers, for example, environmental change. Albeit some human rights might be suspended during highly sensitive situations, others, for example, not criticize the security against torture from paying little heed to the circumstance.

The narrower human security motivation additionally allows another way to deal with international relations. It is a political, preparing trademark to undermine selective state power over the security of individuals, or residents.” It speaks to another motion for the formation of standards that can strengthen R2P standards, course into the more extensive international strategy network, and maybe, in the long run, impact new measures directing the choices of the UNSC, for example, the 2006 UNSC Resolution 1674 on the Responsibility to Protect. This Resolution’s primary role is to advise states that they bear the duty to ensure their residents; that is, they no longer have the sovereign option to regard their residents as they see fit, mainly if this implies abusing their human rights. Statement 26 of the Resolution additionally noticed that “the intentional focusing of regular citizens and other ensured people, and the commission of precise, egregious and boundless infringement of international humanitarian and human rights law in circumstances of the furnished clash, may comprise a danger to international harmony and security,” and reaffirms the preparation of the UNSC “to think about such circumstances and, where essential, to embrace proper strides” to enhance these violations.

Literature Review

The connection between security and human rights is significant. This connection is fortified if we consider that human rights characterize human security. Individual, international, and national advancement require the assurance of human rights; in this way, you cannot have security without the insurance of human rights. Improvement requires regard for human rights, and respect for human rights forestalls clashes. Peacemaking must be based on human rights establishments, and peacekeeping and harmony building must similarly give a focal spot to human rights contemplations as to be sure should fuse human rights methodologies.

It contends that to the extent that human security distinguishes new dangers to prosperity, further casualties of those dangers, new obligations of states, or new systems of managing dangers at the between state level, it adds to the set up human rights system. To the extent that it just rewords human rights standards without distinguishing new dangers, casualties, obligation bearers, or systems, best-case scenario, it supplements human rights and best case scenario it could undermine them[4]. The thin perspective on human security, as characterized underneath, is an essential expansion to the international regularizing system requiring state and global activity against severe dangers to social creatures. On the other hand, the more broad perspective on human security, best-case scenario rehashes, and perhaps undermines, the effectively surviving human rights system, particularly by changing over state commitments to regard people’s unavoidable human rights into arrangement choices concerning which parts of human security to ensure under which conditions. The two might be contending talks, notwithstanding contentions by individual researchers that they are not.’ The weight on “human” security was intended to be a stabilizer to the view that the primary type of protection that made a difference was state security, characterized barely as “military resistance of state interests and territory.”

The focal point of human security is “individuals,” rather than states. Human security’s principal objective is to expand the idea of security past national security, as one approach to drive nations to consider the necessities of their residents. The decision of the expression “security” is intended to convince governments that residents’ security is state security; if residents are uncertain, at that point, states are unreliable. Moreover, the term suggests that rules can be unfavourably influenced by the insecurity of residents outside their fringes: for instance, by wild progressions of illicit financial transients.

As an issue of personal circumstance, hence, governments ought to partake in the assurance of residents of different states against standard dangers to their security. In this way, human security can recognize new casualties of risks as in it proposes widening each state’s obligations to residents of different countries, not just through the systems of international laws or courts to which rules might be a party, yet besides through different parts of each state’s remote and, without a doubt, local arrangements[5]. For instance, a state may choose to commit more assets to international endeavours to improve the risk of environmental change or fear-mongering, or to change its migration laws. The other development of human security motivation is its proposal that the international network has commitments to ensure “individuals” by mediating to secure residents’ security when their states cannot give it. Human security, in perspective on one of its supporters, is a type of “forward resistance” against usual dangers to humanity, using new strategic and other tools. It recognizes further obligation bearers to ensure human security and recommends new systems that they can utilize.

Proposed Project Sections

Chapter 1: Introduction

This section will give a highlight of the background of the study while exploring human rights in details. This section will also contain the research questions, both central and sub-questions, to be asked by the survey. This chapter will also give a law case and relate security to human rights.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

This section will explore relevant literature and clearly express what other authors or scholars have found out, explain the knowledge gaps and build on the past research work in human rights law research to best articulate the topic at hand.

Chapter 3: Methodology

This section will show the methods to be used in executing the project. It will express the nature of the way data will be collected, whether quantitative or qualitative. The section will also show data sources, whether primary or secondary. This section will also show how data will be analyzed and presented.

Chapter 4: Results and Discussions

This chapter will clearly express the findings of the research and give the answers to the main question and the sub-questions. This section will also provide an analytical discussion of the results.


Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations

This section will conclude the research findings and give policy recommendations that will contribute to the body of knowledge in law and as well to policymakers in the field of human rights.


1.June-July 2029Concept note development
2.July-August 2029Proposal development
3.August-September 2029Preparation for material gathering
4.September-October 2029Completion of proposal
5.October -November 2020Data collection
6.November –December 2020Data analysis
7.December 2020Dissertation  writing
8.January 2020Submission









Cameron, I. (2018). An introduction to the European convention on human rights. Iustus förlag.

Damrosch, L. F., & Murphy, S. D. (2019). Essential documents supplement to international law: cases and materials. West Academic Publishing.

Goold, B. J., & Lazarus, L. (Eds.). (2019). Security and human rights. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Loader, I. (2017). The cultural lives of security and rights. In Civil Rights and Security (pp. 447-463). Routledge.

Miller, D. (2019). Security at What Cost? Arms Transfers to the Developing World and Human Rights. In Understanding Human Rights Violations (pp. 63-82). Routledge.

[1] Cameron, I. (2018). An introduction to the European convention on human rights. Iustus förlag.


[2] Damrosch, L. F., & Murphy, S. D. (2019). Essential documents supplement to international law: cases and materials. West Academic Publishing.


[3] Goold, B. J., & Lazarus, L. (Eds.). (2019). Security and human rights. Bloomsbury Publishing.


[4] Loader, I. (2017). The cultural lives of security and fairness. In Civil Rights and Security (pp. 447-463). Routledge.


[5] Miller, D. (2019). Security at What Cost? Arms Transfers to the Developing World and Human Rights. In Understanding Human Rights Violations (pp. 63-82). Routledge.


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