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Business Project and Programme Management

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                              Business Project and Programme Management


Part A

In part A of the assignment, all the answers to the questions have been delivered in the discussion area.


The answer to the questions has been discussed as under.

Business case/ programme management

To understand the common goals based on the implementation of an overall business strategy, the transformational management system is a must. Much like other organizations, one of the biggest software and information technology supplier organizations, S.B. has also been undergoing certain strategic changes that call for transformation in the business in recent years. It is typically seen that the leadership team had effectively scheduled for an implementation of strategic planning that comes with a latest winning technology over its competitors. Hence it is important to set up a strategic goal in order to set aside clear visions and ensure organizational viability (Vial 2019). Hence this strategic plan is being pulled together based on certain documentation and the same should be implemented in all the staff meetings as a whole. Hence the strategic transformational challenge that this company most likely faces are as follows-

Poor goal setting

The strategic goals of the company are often large and comes up with complex obstacles that almost requires different other sources that are likely to be scattered across different departments and different locations. Hence it is important to establish certain clear and specific goals that can effectively result in clarity in personalities as well as responsibilities. Hence in the same way for S.B. The company, as well the methods, are to make a standard objective as well as deliver a key result that comes with new and improved standards altogether. Therefore for the manufacturing houses of S.B., it is also important to set a clear and specific objective regarding the techniques to be followed for production and maintaining best practices (Kong et al.2019).

Lack of alignment

Based on the knowledge of proper goal setting, the teams and objectives can be challenged regarding particular lacking in the alignment process. This process can typically cause prioritization issues and collaborative conflict, which can make                                                                                                                ensur  certain detailed day to day work objectives regarding its strategic goals. Hence all these objectives will be effective for the company to set aside and align the procedures as a whole.  For S.B. Software Company thus it is recommended that based on all these strategic objectives, the company management can try to empower over the people to drive for making some effective change. Hence the process can surely look to drive by some effective changes in the manufacturing department (Trad 2019).



Tracking process

In most of the organizations, the tracking process is maintained in a spreadsheet. The work gap between managers and employees can easily identify the aggrieved outcomes in order to create certain transparency. These limits however can try to set a real time management of its tracking devices to attain the strategic goals. Therefore in the future timings S.B. Software Company can alleviate the process to some extent (Grillitsch et al.2019)

The overall execution of the platforms will be effective also for S.B. in trying to improve the concept of alignment, transparency and realize higher efficiency to interpret the results. The strategic goals of the organization can adjust their operation in maximization of outcomes (Kalpazidou Schmidt and Cacace 2020)

Programme scope and deliverables

In a Software based project development, a specific output can b created in order to define exact results based on its work performance criteria based on the carrier performance based on its overall operation process. Hence all these process can result in the making of the below criteria in this regard-

  • It must be within the scope of the project.
  • Stakeholder’s external and internal process in agreeing to it.
  • The process can try to develop certain deliverable framework.
  • All these process can try to be effective in accomplishing projects objectives in this regard.

For project development the project designers can play a key role. This however is not a deliverable work. On the other hand the overall project developers cannot proceed without a deliverable workfare. Then process of project can be tiny and intangible. Hence all these process can be effective for marketing the same.

The project deliverables of S.B. are basically created for both the internal and external stakeholders as well making the deliverable process getting highly stacked and effective at the same time. Thus there are certain objectives in this regard. Therefore in order to understand the main deliverables of a project, especially for software development, the process can be divided into two areas. The primary deliverable is mockup while secondary deliverable is wireframe.

Moreover all these deliverables can be highly dependent upon one another. a mockup website can be created by S.B. software company unless there is a wireframe. Thus this website can be created only after the mockup is finalized in this regard. Deliverables can be considered as different sort of project objectives. This Software’s can try to reach different path walks. The operational excellence can try to deliver certain deliverables can be compete on the better chances of implementing the process. Hence al the processes can be effective implemented based on creating the chances regarding the goals schedules in this regard. Hence all these aspect can try to deliver the aspects on why the project managers can try to focus on the deliverables in defining, managing and tracking them in this regard.

Hence one of the key drivers of the strategic change is to develop expertise in its software management procedure of S.B. moreover the interface with mobile technology and specialists bespoke software for other organizations. Hence all these keeping deliverables can try to produce certain strategic development process. Moreover the extensive portfolio of the projects can try to cover the Software and programme techniques in this regard. All these effective challenges can be related to an extensive portfolio of its tablet computers. These effective features ca try to roll out as well as implement certain development process to meet its hardware capability in this regard. Moreover for S.B. software the techniques can be implemented based on the techniques in this case.

Estimating and scheduling

The overall projects work implemented from the customer needs and wants that can be done from the project estimation process. However all these estimation techniques have been implied in this regard. Hence If the project manager is looking to meet certain time and energy. All these process can be effective in order to identify the timeframe and efforts. Moreover the overall accuracy process can try to hope by estimating a key structure based on the schedule, on screen budget and it’s based on the black and profit making process. Moreover it can be said that the company can be implied based on the estimated work and checking the team process. Moreover all these techniques can be held effective towards meeting the project work to work on the change order process in this regard.

Work on poor and incomplete requirements

The overall business requirements will be implemented based on the complete requirements. Moreover there are ample times in this regard. The constructive detailed requirements can try to deliver based on the team process based on the customer. Hence based on the meaningful and accurate estimate will start meeting the processes in this case.

Padding the estimates

The overall development techniques can be effective in the case of the estimations. Hence one company can try to incline the I.T. director who had implemented based on its overall performance. All these procedures can be implied based on the reasons. hence the company if could not replace the lead tech, towards its outgoing I.T. director which did not implied based on its overall experience to provide the padded estimates. All these processes can try to through off the schedules and these are likely to execute the customer details. Hence the overall techniques can try to implement the overall padding work estimates. Hence for S.B. Company, the software project can be helpful to its clients in order to make the changes effective (Mankad et al.2019).

Relying over optimism

The overall mistakes can be implied based on its overall implementation of planning techniques. it is important tom understand certain realistic techniques that can be effective towards the overall work conditions as well as these outcomes cannot be implemented in no good purpose. However these interest techniques can likely to be happening in that way. On the other hand the process can try to wake up on understanding cost, its resource availability and its probability can try to negatively affect the projected process in order to rely over the techniques that can go right in this regard (Bodnar et al.2019).

Rushing under pressure

In S.B. Company one of the biggest problems can try to estimate the in order to meet others rushed deadline. Hence from the pressured customers or pressure from its senior management can try to meet different ways towards getting a bad situation in this case. In case of team work, the customers, if appropriate changes can try to implement the overall work procedures. Certain realistic numbers and prices that everyone really calls based on the work process and needs. Thus from the customers or clients point of view it can be said that the process will be effective towards making certain changes in its realistic experiences.

Risk and issues management strategies

The software development strategies are considered to be an activity that uses different sort of technical advancement and its requires certain high level of knowledge expertise. On the other hand based on other different factors there are different software development project contains different uncertainty aspects. All these processes are known as project risks. Hence the success factor of all the project development aspects of S.B. software companies is highly dependent upon such different correspondents towards meeting its overall projected activities. Hence as a project manager, the process can be effectively implied based on different risk taking aspects. Moreover min order to mitigate the risk factors being a project manager it is also important to take care of the implemented outcomes and try to also apply all the project leadership process that can try to identify, assess, and put emphasis on the major risk related aspects in this regard (Masso et al.2020).

Therefore in most of the case the major aspect of implementing a software development process is likely important to understand the overall prevailing techniques. All these projects definitely had its time as well as cost reduction process. Moreover all the experiences can definitely try to showcase all the major development efforts regarding with the software development challenges and all the risks associated to the process can likely try to personify the implementations therefore it can be said that risk related approach can be effective towards ensuring risk management process. All these factors can also develop certain management activities in this regard.

Hence in order to understand the overall risk management process, there are different types of situations that are likely to be assessed in this regard (Nissanke 2019). These are as follows-

New and unproven technologies

In the majority of software projects implied by the company can try to ensure an overall improvement in technologies as a whole. the ever changing tools, techniques, protocols or choices can try to develop the systems and it can also increase the overall business probability that are fully technology enabled and all these factors can try to rise the virtual as well as training and development process. All these technologies can try to build up a critical importance that can lead to project failure in this regard.

Functional requirement

The course of software development can try to capture all the basic user needs and keeps respecting the aspect of software development systems, functions and its service qualities. More often, the development qualities can require a change in discovering techniques as well as the overall integration processes in this regard. Hence all the aspects might not be held effective to lead one or more project failures to the company in coming times (Fernández et al.2019).

The overall mitigating techniques in this aspect can include aspects like-


The adjustment in project scope, schedule or its constraints to minimize the overall risk mitigation process in this regard to mitigate the risk effects in the process.


It is important to take some effective actions to meet the impact and reduce the intensification of the risk process as a whole.

Programme management organization, government and stakeholders

S.B. Software Company is one of the major software development and mobile network company; hence the company can try to deliver different projects. Moreover in the beginning the overall project catches the process highly unprepared. Hence there needs to be a tight scheduled and try to meet enough time for doing preparation. However all the process can try to overlook certain steps on which the process can try to haunt later on.

On the other hand if the project kicks on, then the project can implement a dark spot for anonymous aspect changes for which the techniques can try to overlook certain change in the assignments.

Clear communication paths

It is important to make sure that all the roles and responsibilities have been well defined




and everyone knows who understands the changed scenario.


Moreover the people can try to implement

absolute external analysis as well as ask for specific clarification techniques or other signaling emergencies (Mankad et al.2019). On the other hand, the S.B. software company is recommended to understand the overall business scenario. Hence all these factors are recommended to be clearly identified in this regard. Therefore all these public information can make the process effective to everyone (Tavares et al.2019).

Conventional practices

When any sort of project kicks off by the company, it can be said that all these coded database all the tangled mess cannot try to maintain or touch at the same time. On the other hand there is some time to access all the past experiences and try to identify what to do and what not to. Hence it can be said that all the changed aspects can try to define any new initiative that can work to exercise and make sure what the changes are to be implemented. Hence the overall results can be decided to implement specific convention lists over its best practices that can be validated by the entire team. Therefore all the conventions can try to develop a more organized in this coherent situation (Hubbard 2020).

 Choosing an integration system

Continuous integration will be useful for every project. All these sufficient difference can try to create a wide range of operations available in the business. However, from various factors, the process can try to implement specific changes to look towards its choice.

Stakeholder management

The overall stakeholder management technique can be understood in defining an intellectual property rights. Hence the process can be considered as an offshore risk. Therefore the total cost procedure will be looking to deliver a high risk of stature. Thus for the software company can try to create a buying and supplying specific primary business interests. Therefore for this stakeholder differentiation in buying and providing the service interests. These offshore outsourcing processes can try to deliver particular technical support as well as looking to meet the customer views in this regard. The process of reputation can be damaged based on the offshore supplier process in the face of the company (Chernobai et al.2019).

Programming control methods

S.B. Software Company can also try to build up the process to build an individual transformation system. However all the transformation process executives can also try to develop with consultants based on the daunting techniques in this regard. Therefore to derive the estimates, specific consultants will likely use specific properties algorithms or models. Hence all these estimated changes can try to figure specific estimated changes. On the other hand, these algorithms are to be constructed through specific heuristic methods based on meeting previous projects (Warner and Wäger 2019). However, this reality process can try to cover specific collective experiences of the I.T. suppliers. These estimating numbers can try to build up a collective experience. However in this way the company can try to develop certain input variables that are used under the estimates in this regard. Here the supplier of S.B. Software Company can try to claim individual future needs in this regard (DuHadway et al.2019).

Furthermore, the I.T. client base can try to recover vendors to share their overall estimate needs based on the operation procedures. Hence the vendors can try to frequently resist the changes. All these process can pull it out of the hands of the vendors. These reluctant vendors can be useful as well to meet the value of sharing techniques in this regard (Rampini et al.2019).

Moreover, the I.T. project leaders can try to showcase direct collaborations to its vendors. Hence IT project leaders can try to validate certain assumptions. On the other hand, these basic parameters can most likely change the course of the overall project defining techniques. The whole project teams can try to analyze whether adding this new interface (Radanliev et al.2020).




The overall process of development can try to estimate a projected change, as well as all these changed scenarios, which can be adequately defined based on its precisions activities. Here the hypothetical techniques can be used to execute precise, sensitive analyses to set up meeting expectations as well as delivering the projected costs in this regard. However, these approaches can be offered based on specific internal and external procedures (Masso et al.2019). All these processes can try to generate precise primary business estimates towards the internal assessments. These process estimates can also be useful in delivering particular business models in this regard (Suri 2020).

For the company as well, taking control of every estimated process is looked to be important as well since individual business decisions can feature different adjustment procedures. The formalized transformation process to meet the scope adjustments that can also be inefficient and conscious. On the other hand, these can be implemented in a way to trust the project management process as well as trying to cope with the vendor changes as a whole. Hence this staffing model can be effective in this regard (Sivasubramanian et al.2019).

Contracting and supplier management

The procuring departments are usually responsible for goods or services acquiring for any particular business. This usually involves the marketing of products at a competitive price, managing all the contacts in association with legal procedures, budgeting the cost of the products, and so on.

Here an organization further takes up an organizational project to build new Software known as the Software for the center of excellence. The new location would be better than the present one as it would be more cost-effective and has a pleasant environment to work into. It is also considered to bring about the acquisition for the development function of W.N. The base of the appointment of consultancy is to discuss before seeking for interest. Though the S.B. was particularly worried about the election because of its contractual basis of consultancy on product development.

However which supplier the business will choose is not easy always. As there are times when the right quality product or proper pricing does not mean that it is a green signal to get associated with the supplier (Turner, 2017).So there are specific methods that can be followed while procuring materials. Generally, there are six methods for obtaining and supplier selection, which must be considered by the procuring team of an organization. Open tendering is the shorter term for open bidding. It helps the companies for biding to goods in an open challenging competition or solicitation. Public bidding is comprised of-

  • It consists of advertising locally
  • Having unbiased and technical specification
  • Open to qualified bidders
  • Having measurements of evaluation

Least cost providers contract negotiations.

  • Restricted tendering- it is opposite to open tendering, as it only places limited amount of request to the service provider or supplier. Hence because of its selective process, it is also known as careful bidding. Though the competition is less to service providers, suppliers or the agencies called by the procuring team (Torvatn, 2019).
  • Request for proposal- it is a common term in the business world. The managers of social media always receive R.F.P.s from the clients who seek for managers for their ventures.
  • Two stages tendering method- uses the two phases of bidding where each of the procedures has mainly two steps. This can be disadvantageous if it limits in securing the contract.
  • Request for quotation- this method of option is commonly used for small valued goods or services. It is the least complicated method of procurement, so it is usually recommended as a fast procurement process (Vashistha, 2018).
  • Single source- it is a non-competitive method that is used under specific circumstances. Here, the procurement is done from a sole service provider or supplier.


Part B

The advantage and disadvantage of two project management technique in terms of how S.B. can achieve improved management performance are as follows-

Adaptative Project Framework-

The A.P.F. method is based on the analysis of the experience of the project. It is generally built on requirement structures which states the objective of the plan selected according to the requirements or functions of the product (Habidin and Fuzi, 2016).


If the company is aware of its objectives but not sure how to achieve them as in the case of S.B., they can surely opt for this project method as it is consistent in its approach.


As far as the flexibility of the project is considered, A.P.F. can make the project delay in completion or sometimes even overruns the budget.

 Critical Chain Project Management

Many projects are seen to slow as the resources that are required for the project work are unavailable. So to avoid all these issued Critical Chain Project Management helps in developing a project calendar wherein it straight away indicates the critical tasks of the projects (Preeker and De Giovanni, 2018), the reserves of the resources that would be required in the completion of the project.


The essential resources are available as long as they are in need in a scheduled planned manner for the project


It is not useful usually for short term projects as there is no requirement of scheduling a critical task or maintaining the reserve resources.

choice of frameworks

The framework that has been selected for S.B. is the Adaptive project framework. S.B. has always preferred low-cost criteria that have driven their business to further east coast because of the ample availability of labor at low cost. They have also faced quality issues in some parts of their manufacturing centres which they have been improving from the last two years. Some of the limited manufacturers are also seen to retain in certain parts of the U.S.A. Though the company currently has structured their functional basis but there are doubts of whether it would be appropriate for them in diverse business alongside (Talaset al. 2017).

All of the highlighted above problems significant proves that Adaptive performance framework would be the suitable project management program for the company. As they have faced quality issues, they want to run on a low production budget. As they are not sure about their functional department, hence the Adaptive project framework would help them in understanding the requirements, functions, and functionality and sub-functions of the product. Simultaneously helping in improving the quality of the product. As the project also relies on the previous results hence the mistakes that were made by S.B. in their earlier projects would not be repeated as in the case of quality issues problem. The clients or the Stakeholders can alter the framework of the page whenever they feel the requirement of doing so. Thus it would enable the team to create the most excellent commercial product with great value. Hence the project would help the company to diversify new products at minimal cost and increase the sale of the product at large in the market share (Siddique and Hussein, 2016).

Recommendation to the choices

The project management program that is selected for S.B. is Adaptative Project Framework.

The improving project management performance recommendation within S.B. is as follows-

If at first chance one does not succeed then plan, plan and again plan

Planning is the most significant thing when it comes to improving the existing project management or incorporates a new one. Any business big or small when plan out project it would not only enable planned work according to the schedule, make proper utilization of resources within budget. Planning also keeps the work organized (Peenstra and Silvius, 2018).

Focusing on communication

The strategic changes that were made in S.B. required proper disclosure from the leaders to the subordinates. So it can be said that most of the organization fail in achieving their organizational goals because the communication gaps that exist in the hierarchy. As mentioned, planning after failure or issues is required, and it should be done as strategically as possible. Still, the plan is useless if it is not communicated to the people who will work according to the strategies properly (Grzeszczyk and Czajkowski, 2017).

Finding the right project management tool

It is another crucial aspect of a project. Every team has a different outlook on their project management. As in recent times, more and more projects are going digital and technologically advance; hence it is always recommended to use advanced technology tools for competitive advantage (de Araújoet al.2017).





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