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Personal and professional ethics

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Personal and professional ethics

There are two main criminal justice issues that are surrounded by ethics and this includes violence against women and juvenile drug treatment. Ethical issues, in this case, include bias, leading to the lack of arrival of justice. Apart from that, the other ethical issue is lack of honesty and integrity with the aim of favoring a given side either for monetary gains or for other gains. My personal and professional code in the field of criminal justice is justice, along with honesty and integrity.

I am one person who likes being honest. This is because I believe in the fact that truth will always set one free. Besides, I also know that it is always hard for a liar to be consistent in the lies, hence bringing some controversies at the end of it. Given this case, I choose to be honest. Consequently, while handling cases related to violence against women and juvenile drug treatment, I always highlight the facts at hand without sugar-coating anything. This subsequently helps in upholding integrity. For instance, in the course of coming up with a judgment that finds women and children victimized, I always base this on evidence at hand. For instance, when a woman has visible signs of assault, with the defendant having no signs at all, I will have to make a judgment in favor of the affected woman. Such a decision will be said to be objective, even from the face value of it.

On the other hand, when it comes to my professionalism, I value the ethical principle of justice. The application of this element helps in ensuring that the final decision arrived at is sound and fair. For instance, taking a case of violence against women, the application of the ethical principle of justice will prevent me from coming up with a decision that will haunt me in the future. In this case, I will ensure that the decision arrived at has rational and adequate grounds.

In conclusion, my professional ethical code that governs me is that of justice. This, as highlighted above, helps in enhancing fairness. On the other hand, my personal ethical code is that of honesty and integrity. The application of my personal code of honesty had made my life so easier. This is because I don’t have to memorize on lies for me to be relevant and consistent. The ethical codes of justice along with that of honesty and integrity have been so instrumental in handling the current criminal justice ethics revolving around violence against women along with juvenile drug treatment.










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