College Sprint
I can relate to this article and even several colleagues at college are as well. I feel my college career has been a sprint. Since my first-year academics has taken my time; from assignments, reading, and attending to other school activities. I look forward to completing my college studies and hopefully get an attachment which will influence my future career progression. I want to be a respectable business person but the fears of attaining such a status always clip-in.
Sleep Deficit
The article reveals the dangers that I fear the most and sort of a warning that I will heed to in future when I will be busy. Sometimes, mostly on weekends when I go out and I have classes on weekdays, being affected. I can understand why I failed to be on top during my classes. I plan to have enough sleep; that is seven to ten hours of sleep. I believe my grades and my work ethic will change for the better.
College Advice
At college, I plan to attend my classes except for a few days that I may not be able to. I also plan to consult with my lectures whenever I have issues. I will share with my professors my plans I know they are more experienced and they give me better advice. I will also seek to follow them on the social media platforms which I believe I will get good links for my career and even their endorsement.
The Company that Sells Love
The company represented women as the weaker vessels through their ads and therefore; they needed saving. This would have as well influenced the decisions of the management to discriminate women in terms of position and salaries since they don’t need much money. The patriarchal leadership by the company was their policy to ensure that women remain to be objects of abuse and provide cheap labour. The advertisement reveals that women cannot do on their own but need constant help from men.
The Secretive Family Making Billions
To be philanthropic is a societal ethic that the society admirers of some individuals. The Sackler’s exploited this to make them acceptable to society. The drugs which they made as narcotic painkillers were ethical; for good human use. However, this painkiller has sent many to their graveyards but we cannot underscore the benefits of the drug. Probably is has helped many than it has killed.
How (UN) Ethical are you?
This article has made me realize that I have been unethical several times. For instance, when a colleague shouts I conclude that such a person lacks manners. At that point am unethical since I do not consider the circumstance that makes him do such a thing. When I favour my friends by giving a good word about them something I know they are not so that they can obtain something is as well unethical. On the business industry, people obtain favours if they have a relationship with the person in charge, this is unethical as each customer should be treated equally.
Machine Bias
The algorithm used by the justice department to determine the future risk assessment is wrong. There is nothing that can authoritatively claim to predict the future. The algorithm isn’t an exception either, it has so far predicted and the risk analysis results have been opposite. Probably some convicts have been given longer jail terms than they deserve. This system should be re-looked at and better evaluation tools and the evidence at hand should be used to jail convicts.