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World History Semester Final

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World History Semester Final


Context: At the end of World War II, the defeat of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan had made the world safe for democracy, equality, and freedom to flourish.  In the seventy-five years that have followed, the world has experienced decolonization, the Cold War, the fall of the Soviet Union, and the rise of globalization.


FQ: Given all of these developments, have democracy, equality, and freedom flourished to the extent that was hoped for at the end of World War II?  


Task:  You will choose one of the nations that achieved independence after World War II.  You’ll analyze the social, economic, and political circumstances within that country today and determine to what extent democracy, equality, and freedom have flourished.


Product: Students have the choice of either using Google Sites to create a website or writing an essay in APA format.  In either case, the following requirements must be met:


APA Format

Must be formatted in appropriate APA format, including title page, in-text citations within each paragraph, and a citations/sources page.





Students must utilize effective writing skills in answering the project FQ.

● Essays should be written in a formal tone, third person, and follow the academic structure of APA requirements.

● Student includes proper introduction paragraph with context and thesis

● Each body paragraph has a topic sentence, supporting evidence cited in APA format, analysis connecting evidence to topic sentence, and a concluding sentence

●  For each topic area (social, political, economic), there should be clear, well-developed, and articulate sentences and paragraphs that employ proper punctuation and grammar.



For both the essay and the website:

Students must demonstrate proficient reading comprehension.  This will be reflected in the information that is within the project, as well as by the primary sources that are chosen and the way in which they are utilized.  Moreover, reading proficiency is demonstrated by the way that evidence and primary sources are explained.  Clear explanations of the relevance of evidence and primary sources conveys that the student has understood what they have read.



Organization and Structure

Ideas should be logically and effectively grouped according to themes or conceptual categories.

Essay must follow APA structure and requirements previously reviewed and used.

APA formatting help

APA Student paper example


Essay must include:

● APA title page

● APA Abstract

○ What is your paper going to explore?

○ Think of it as a quick summary someone would read to decide if they want to read your paper or not

● Introduction paragraph

● At least 3 body paragraphs with three in-text citations

● Concluding paragraph

● Citation page in APA format




You’ll be able to choose from a list of nations to research.  As you begin your research, it is best to group your research by concepts/categories.  In this case, these are social, economic, and political.  While your findings will differ based on the circumstances within the specific country you research, below are some of the issues or questions you might consider. You are not required to answer all of these questions.  On the contrary, you should focus on those issues which are the most impactful for the country you have chosen.  The following questions are intended to help you to get started.



  • Are all people treated equally, or does discrimination exist against particular groups based on ethnicity, race, gender, or sexual orientation?
  • Are people free to practice the religion of their choice, free from persecution?
  • Are there laws limiting marriage?
  • Is education available to all people?
  • Do people have access to affordable healthcare?
  • Are basic human rights respected for all people?
  • Do people have access to clean drinking water?



  • Is the country growing and developing economically?
  • Are people able to get decent jobs that pay a living wage?
  • Does child labor exist?
  • Are the essential goods people need to survive readily available and affordable?
  • Are people living in debt?
  • Do foreign corporations have too much control over the economy or the nation’s natural resources?



  • Do the people choose their leaders through a democratic process?
  • Is the political system largely free of corruption?
  • Are all people allowed to vote, or are there restrictions?
  • Do any foreign nations have too much control or influence over the political process?


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