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Considering that I submitted all the necessary details during the opening of my Textbroker account, I am not happy the way you are handling me as an author. I, therefore, write to seek either of these two choices: to permanently close the account and remit my funds to my bank account or to open my textbroker account with clear guidelines. Your unsubstantiated claim that my account “was flagged as having activity potentially indicative of fraud,” is worrying. It would be wise to let me know what the activity was.


I am entirely in charge of my security – and I protect my details. This is a responsibility that I wouldn’t relinquish to anyone. In your website, I availed all my personal details that you may need to unearth my Identity, kindly use that. In any case, you can always call me to ascertain my identity. Kindly resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you.


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