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Are cloth face masks effective?

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Are cloth face masks effective?

The main benefit of covering the nose and mouth is to protect others. That is why wearing a mask, even if you don’t feel sick is important.


Thesis. ,.

Masks are Effective, but Different types of mask offer a certain per cent of protection. This paper analyses and evaluates whether homemade face masks are effective.



Since the outbreak of the Global Covid-19 pandemic, individuals had been urged by the disease control and prevention centres not to wear masks unless they are infected, working in a health care facility or caring for a sick person who is unable to wear one. Things have, however, changed with time. It has been recommended that individuals should fit in a facemask in a public setting where social distancing is difficult to maintain. People are no longer using the medical-grade maskS that are in short supply; hence the era of homemade face mask is upon us.

Although the clothe face masks help in trapping droplets, dust and other particulates, they do not offer significant protection from the virus, the approved models need special fitting for them to be effective, but regular people wear them wrongly. Putting on a face mask give individuals a force sense of security which makes them relax on the set measure about social distancing and hand-washing.


Research shows that the homemade masks might block droplets from the respiratory system emitted by sick people though it is not clear how much protection they provide. The homemade masks hence cause greater infection compared to those who wear the approved masks.



Clothe masks should not be recommended in high-risk situations. re-use, moisture retention and poor filtration may cause an increased risk of infection

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