Question 8: Evaluation Report.
Working from home has been instrumental in increasing the motivation of the employees. The college has put in measures to guarantee the work from home strategy runs smoothly. Our staff has recorded positive feedback where they are enthusiastic about the strategy. Many of the staff interviewed gave positive feedback on the policy and insist it allows them to plan their responsibilities more accurately. Challenges on how to coordinate those working from home were the initial hurdles but have since been resolved. The college linked the information system of the school with the staff computers such that the system administrator can monitor those online and their activities. So far, this change has enables staff to keep in touch, besides, there was the addition of teleconferencing services have created room for offline meetings and consultations when need be and the College community members keep in touch at all times. The highlight of this project shoots from the selection of the stay at home team. There was a lot of research put into this and it was decided the technical department that is systems managers and IT would work from home as they can manage the systems from home. It was particularly important for the team to link the systems of staff from home through Wifi and Webcams.
The first phase of the work from home implementation has so far been successful and senior management will look into how more staff can work from home to reduce congestion and office space for staff members. The objectives stipulated in the employment Act and the Health and Safety Act allow for a flexible working environment which is fully met by this strategy.