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MGMT 3Quiz 6
















DATE:           May 13, 2020


TO:                 Linda, Vice President

                        ABCXYA Company


FROM:           Jim, Director of Production

                        Production Department





The above matter refers. We note with concern the continued deterioration of working relations among ourselves. As we move to digitize our organization towards making a top producer and a competitive brand, we need to mend our fences and work in harmony towards achieving this golden goal. We have had conflicts in various departments amidst outstanding production and extraordinary meeting of targets. In other departments, we have witnessed excellent rapport among the department members, yet productivity has gone down drastically. Productivity has also been affected by laxity in management. Generally, we have noted shallow morale levels leading to a deep dig in the overall productivity, maybe due to the fear of adoption of artificial intelligence technology. Internal conflicts, too, appear to take a toll on most of the members where such disputes occur, and these disputes translate to low performances. Due to the ever dropping performances of our organization emanating from mainly the highlighted concerns, we wish to have them addressed as soon as possible using the outlined action plans.

Our heads of department will go through a week-long workshop to get to learn from senior heads of departments in one of the most successful companies in the country. We are going to have their entire workshop paid for by the organization to have them refresh their skills and expand their discretionary efforts in getting everyone in their department to get their job done. We believe in continuous learning for continuous leading. As they plan, we shall give them a daily allowance on top of all other accruing benefits of the training.

We also wish to communicate to you as we near the full adoption of artificial intelligence operations in our production, the issue of laying off our staff, or redundancy is far from taking effect.  The process must be gradual, as our team continues to work in their respective capacities. We shall need to reduce the number of staff once the operation is fully operational, but there are modalities already in discussion to handle this. Unless one engages in illegality, they retain our employees until they reach retirement age, and once they exit, we will not replace them. From our records, we expect five of our staff to exit in two years, including the head of a department, which will allow us to have lower numbers through natural attrition. It is, therefore, a time we got re-energized and embraced the change as an opportunity to learn as we continue to discharge our duties. This will give every one of us a chance to develop as each assignment will now help employees to anticipate offering solutions to the challenge creatively.

This is an opportunity also for each stakeholder of this organization to learn to be a leader on their own, and eye succession as the current leaders leave a legacy to be admired. This calls for security and satisfaction of your job while committing to the organization and getting to be more productive every day. Pick out attributes from our department heads and other mentors you envy to propel this organization to higher heights; everyone must leave a legacy in their operations.

Interpersonal relations are vital in our daily routines. Our culture needs to change to take the direction of vibrant, excellent performance, effective interpersonal relationships, open dialogue, candid inputs, and transparency. Dialogue needs to involve deep conversations, demonstration of genuine concern for others’ perspectives, and good listening. When one commits to listening, other people commit to investing in you. Additionally, we organize a day-long induction program to have everyone go through training on how to conduct ourselves in a work ecosystem. We have hired an expert in that field, and further details will be communicated in due course.

Going forward, we have developed a mechanism for detailed, immediate, and positive feedback. On a monthly basis, every member of our staff will receive some feedback, especially on our strengths and areas that will require immediate improvements. This will be based on our formal performance reviews, and these reports will be timely. We shall give an opportunity for feedback from every department, including complaints and compliments on a bi-monthly basis.

Finally, we shall continue to recognize, emphasize, and strengthen strengths among our staff through focusing on the positives and not mistakes, as many may have anticipated. Any performance gaps will be discussed, and if need be, the necessary change will be immediately initiated. Our focus will remain to strengthen our staff, to influence their job performance continually, and directly improve any areas that may derail the efforts of our employees.

It is through this that we shall create performance management based organizational culture that involves a learning environment and deliberate attempts to continuously dialogue with team players to meet our targets in manager-employee relationships and on the job outcomes.



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