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Individual Assignment I – Case Study


How Soltis and Sons can address the problem

Based on the above-given case study, the issue can be solved using the following proposed approaches.

Step 1: Definition of the problem. What are the gaps between the desired outcomes and the current state?

As it is observed, the main problem here faced by Soltis and Sons is that they are experiencing challenges with the administration of the social hall. Besides, since the managers have hired employees drawn from different cultures that do not speak English as the first language, they are experiencing difficulties communicating with one another, which leads to misunderstandings and a decrease in productivity and customer satisfaction in the company. Therefore based on this given problem, the manager of the organization was finding it difficult to provide instructions about completing a specific task. This is because the employees were finding it hard to comprehend the instructions fully; thus, most of them made mistakes.




Step 2: Causes of the problem


The cause of the problem is the most of the employees in the organization are non-native English speakers. Therefore such cultural differences in the organization make it difficult for the manager to communicate effectively with the employees, especially when giving out instructions regarding a particular task. This is because the employees and the managers are experiencing difficulty with one another, which leads to employee misunderstanding leading to a decrease in workplace productivity at the organization.

Another problem is a policy by the organization to immigrants who are not good at speaking English without putting up a training measure in place that will equip them with the appropriate communication skills. The human resources director was undecided about whether to offer some training or note. She thought some of the employees might be impacted by the negative stereotype that is associated with a lack of work experience with people drawn from different cultures. Another cause of the problem noted here is that some of the employees did not like the idea of being supervised by younger people. This led to a case where few employees quit citing an issue with the management of the organization





Step 3: Recommendations for solving the problem. What options do Soltis and Sons have?


To solve this problem is having the management understand and identify processes in the organization that will ensure there is effective workplace productivity in the organization. The organization should group the employee into teams and roles that they can fully understand. This should be carried out based on the personal and cultural characteristics which will enable the managers to recognize, understand, and manage the cultural differences in the organization.

Another primary recommendation that will help in solving this problem is having the director of human resources to offer some training to the immigrant employees. This will ensure that the employees are impacted by communication skills that will improve their work productivity, especially while working with people drawn from different cultures.




Kinicki, A., & Fugate, M. (2018). Organizational behavior: A practical, problem-solving approach

(2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.)


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