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Jake and Amy

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Jake and Amy

Shows are performances that exhibit features that are reflected in our daily lives. Jake and Amy featured in a show which showed many different values that individuals should practice. Various topics were highlighted in the show, and the main focus will be on unhealthy relationships. Unhealthy relationships manifest in our lives where individuals put their partners ahead of themselves and change who they are for their partners. Understanding the actions and behaviors of your partner can help in figuring out whether the relationship is unhealthy. Most unhealthy relationships have warning signs that assist individuals in finding solutions to their problems or ending their relationships. Respect for each other and problem solving is a crucial aspect of maintaining healthy relationships. Individuals can try their best to maintain a good relationship, but it may not turn out as expected. The focus will be on Jake and Amy, showing instances in which their relationship portrayed signs of being unhealthy.

The show begins when Amy is jogging, and she gets into the house and finds Jake, who is her boyfriend, upset. Amy asks Jake what is wrong with him, and this gesture makes him feel better internally, but he does not open up to Amy on what is wrong. The couple has been undergoing a therapy session to save their relationship. They get to the office of Paul, who is their therapist, and Jake threatens to kill Amy if she leaves him. All his actions were attributed to the anger that he had towards Amy. Jake fears that he would seize to exist without Amy, and this is a sign of an unhealthy relationship. Jake has a hard time communicating his feelings to Amy, and this portrays unhealthy socialization in their relationship where one individual plays out as the master. The other individual is the slave (Episode 5). By fearing that he will die if he loses Amy, Jake does not healthily express his feelings.

When Paul raises the topic of violence, Jake quickly changed the subject because he knew that what he was doing was wrong. Amy looks down on Jake, yet she seems to need him by her side. Paul advises Amy that she should make Jake weak by focusing on his feelings and those of his friends, and that will help her to ignore her limitations. This shows individuals how, at times, they surround themselves with people who keep judging others’ actions. Even though Jake has failed on many things, he is a smart guy, and Amy should not look down on him due to his failures. Due to the problems that Jake is experiencing, he gets a massive breakdown in front of Paul during a therapy session. Jake has feelings that lead to the breakdown, but he is not trained to express his inner emotions in a healthy manner (Episode 5). Healthy relationships should have mechanisms for solving differences in a healthy way.

As Jake continues experiencing the breakdown, the reaction that Amy gives him is cold, and this leaves Jake devastated with no one to share his problems. The expression that Amy gave Jake was unhealthy. However, according to gender communication, Jake should not have had the breakdown in front of Amy, and he should have highlighted the difficulties he is facing. Amy starts to walk out of the office, but Paul asks her to get back and sit down. Amy says that she is not comfortable with how Jake is exhibiting a childish behavior of having breakdowns and weeping. Jake suddenly becomes overprotective, where he starts acting strangely towards Amy by checking what she was doing through the window. Jake experiences numerous breakdowns, and this affects Amy, where she sees that this is not the Jake that she was used to (Episode 6). Amy begins creating lies in numerous situations so that she can evade the controlling nature of Jake.

The unhealthy nature of their relationship is exhibited when Amy cheats on Jake, but this incident finds Jake in a more relaxed composure. Amy starts getting angry, but her anger was aimed at trying to provoke Jake. Their unhealthy relationship is portrayed when Amy accuses Jake of talking to her rudely after Jake referred to himself as her lap dog because he always cooked for her after work. Their relationship remained tense because Jake did not even want to kiss Amy because of what he was experiencing. The therapy helped Jake, and the result was separation from Amy, who became upset due to the separation (Episode 9). The theoretical concept surrounding the show suggests that Jake and Amy did not have a healthy relationship.

In conclusion, the importance of maintaining a healthy relationship is highlighted. Jake and Amy did not handle their relationship in a healthy manner, which led them to separate from the numerous misunderstandings. This depicts the situations faced by individuals in society today, where many relations end because of their unhealthy nature. Relationships should be based on loyalty and trust, where individuals feel free to discuss their differences with their partners. For Amy and Jake, the misunderstandings and looking down on each other manifested a type of relationship where one individual was more hurt than the other. Warning signs of an unhealthy relationship were present, but the couple was not able to solve their differences; hence the separation was necessary.




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