Article selection
I have selected the article titled “The Impact of Allusion between Words and Image on the Observer’s Perception in Hyperadvertising” the first step involves the selection of a research topic that is creative achievable. The topic for the article quoted above is original and data for the topic can be collected with the specified time. The research topic gives enough information about the research. The second step involves deciding on the scope of review. The article has focused on articles by Lipps (2013), and Tanaka (1994) among others. The articles selected were from various well known offline French magazines. The third step involves the selection of 101 words and from the selected article database was obtained from 18 well known French magazines. These magazines provided the basis for analyzing the results. The fourth step involves conducting searches and finding the literature and the researcher in the article searched for humorous words from various offline French magazines. Finally, the last step involves reviewing the literature where the humorous words selected were counted and compared to other research. From the article, there were conflicting studies and thus the research went ahead. Finally, steps involve writing the literature review. The sample article shows that the author moved ahead to include the works of other authors such and Lipps and Tanaka in the article. Referring to these other authors is essential in backing various important points. A literature review is essential in the chosen article provides a critical analysis of sources to be included in the article.