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Needs of the population

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Needs of the population

In the community, some people take their time and endure that the needs of the population are achieved, and they should be recognized. Those people should be provided with enough resources so that their work could be easy as they show people how to improve their lifelong learning skills. In the community, people are the-cause-of-the-deadly-covid-19-disease/ing their life long skills according to their age; thus, people teaching should be paid well due to the sacrifice that they make. When one receives reasonable payment and has enough resources to use, one will be motivated to give back to the community. As they teach lifelong skills, they will do their best to ensure that they can use the skills for their benefit.Additionally, those offering their services should also be given moral support because they deal with different people and respond differently as they acquire it.They will also feel supported, which will act as motivation, and as a result, they will do their work correctly.


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