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Scientific Knowledge, Contributions, and Methodology Form

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Scientific Knowledge, Contributions, and Methodology Form

Complete this form based on your chosen and instructor-approved research study for the course project. Type your responses directly beneath the questions. Provide APA-style references and citations as needed.

  1. Write the APA-formatted reference for your study.

Mas-Machuca, M., Berbegal-Mirabent, J., & Alegre, I. (2016). Work-life balance and its relationship with organizational pride and job satisfaction. Journal of Managerial Psychology31(2), 586-602.

  1. Paste the persistent link for your study here.

  1. Was the methodology used in the study qualitative or quantitative?

The methodology used was quantitative

  1. What was the approach used in the study?

The approach used in the study was non-experimental.

  1. In order for research to have scientific merit in your field of study, it must contribute new, meaningful knowledge to your field. In a few sentences, summarize the new knowledge that was contributed by this research. Then, write one-to-two paragraphs explaining how this knowledge is meaningful to your field (Applied Behavior Analysis). Also, address the importance of the application of this knowledge by professionals in real-world settings.

The new knowledge contributed by this research is that there is a relationship between work-life balance and organizational pride and job satisfaction. Employees perform better at work when their family life is stable. Furthermore, when the seniors at work support employee work-life balance, employees become motivated and more productive.

The new knowledge is meaningful to the field of Applied Behaviour Analysis. The research has proven that the environment outside a job setting can affect the productivity of employees. Although the work environment may be conducive, other factors in the personal lives of the employees lower their motivation and productivity. Therefore, it is essential to consider all the aspects of an employee, including their personal life, when strategizing on ways to motivate employees.

In a real-world setting, new knowledge is essential to understand the change in the behaviour of employees. It is easy to analyze the change in behaviour when one realizes that work-life balance can affect organizational pride and job satisfaction. Furthermore, supervisors can apply the knowledge by encouraging family-supportive work cultures to elevate employee satisfaction.

  1. In order for research to have scientific merit, it must advance the theories in your field of study. In one-to-two paragraphs, describe the theoretical foundations of the research and how the research advanced them. For example, the research may have tested, confirmed, extended, or modified a theory. Perhaps it generated a new theory.

The research was founded on behavioural theory. Behaviourism suggests that all behaviours are acquired through conditioning. The conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. Therefore, employees in an organization can be proud of their organization if they have a sufficient work-life balance. When the conditions are conducive, the employees increase their productivity as well as gain organizational pride.

  1. Describe the sample and the sampling procedures; that is, the way in which the participants were selected. Avoid quoting the study, and use your own descriptions. Evaluate whether the sample and sampling procedures were appropriate for the methodology and approach.

A questionnaire survey was used to collect data. Study participants were employees of a company in the pharmaceutical industry in Spain. To ensure the accuracy of the study, a pilot test was conducted whereby five employees from different hierarchical levels were randomly chosen to fill the questionnaires. Based on their comments, necessary changes were made to avoid confusion.

The questionnaire survey was then sent to all employees. The questionnaires were in online and paper-and-pencil formats to maximize response rates. Out of the 463 questionnaires sent, 374 were valid for analysis, which was a response rate of 80.78%.

  1. Describe the data collection procedure. This would start after participants gave informed consent, and end when the participants have completed the study. Avoid quoting the study and use your own descriptions. If your methodology was qualitative, you might be describing interview procedures, for example. If your methodology was quantitative, make sure you describe any group assignment methods or any repeated measures, such as a pretest or post-test. Evaluate whether the data collection procedure was appropriate for the methodology and approach.

A pilot test was conducted to ensure the accuracy of the questionnaire survey. In the pilot test, five employees from different hierarchical levels were randomly chosen to fill the questionnaires. Based on the response from the employees in the pilot study, necessary changes were made to the surveys to avoid confusion.

The questionnaires were sent to all the employees, although their participation was voluntary. The surveys were made available in an online and paper-and-pencil format to maximize the response rates.

The questionnaires were appropriate for the research study. Surveys save time and money and give accurate results. Furthermore, the investigation gets specific information since the questions are designed to provide concrete answers.

  1. Describe the data analysis procedure. If your methodology was quantitative, you need only describe the procedure or the statistical tests. Avoid quoting the study and use your own descriptions. Evaluate whether the data analysis procedure was appropriate for the methodology and approach.

Out of the 463 questionnaires administered, 374 were valid for analysis, a response rate of 80.78%.  The data analysis was conducted through structural equation modelling. The analysis was done in a two-step process. First, the validity and the reliability of the measurement scale was assessed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Second, the hypotheses were tested using structural equation modelling.

  1. Describe the findings and the conclusions the researchers made. Evaluate whether the conclusions allowed the researchers to answer the research questions and address the research problem.

The researchers concluded that employee work-life balance is positively related to organizational pride and job satisfaction. Furthermore, the autonomy increases the level of work-life balance. Also, when senior staffs in an organization support all work-life balance initiatives, other employees become motivated. The conclusion allowed the researchers to address the research problem because employees who have effective work-balance are proud to work for their companies.

  1. Provide an APA-formatted references list, compiling all of the resources you have used for the course project thus far.

Mas-Machuca, M., Berbegal-Mirabent, J., & Alegre, I. (2016). Work-life balance and its relationship with organizational pride and job satisfaction. Journal of Managerial Psychology31(2), 586-602.



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