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Application for a structural engineering job

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Application for a structural engineering job


[Your address]

[Your address]

May 23, 2020.


Recruiting Officer,

Tuhin Basu & Associates Inc,

6990 Columbia Gateway Drive,

Columbia, Maryland 21046,

United States of America.


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my interest in the Structural Engineer job at Tuhin Basu & Associates that was recently posted in Handshake. I am a final year student pursuing Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering at West Virginia University. I am also planning to move to Columbia after I complete my studies and graduate this summer. I am delighted that I am applying for a position at Tuhun Basu & Associated, which is a leader in the field of civil engineering.


My work experience, as well as my academic education have placed me in a better position to excel in this position. I have been on volunteer internships before, which has been helpful in shaping my professional abilities in line with this position. In my recent structural engineering internship, I was exposed to an environment that prompted me to study more on the redesigning of existing structure to ensure that they are safer and more efficient for the public. Also, during my time at the internship, I learned that I am key player when it comes to teamwork. I realized I worked well with teams, which is an important trait that enhanced productivity of the organization.


My interest in the position of structural engineer at Tuhin Basu & Associates Inc. is highly strong since it is a reputable engineering company. TBA Inc. is popularly known for its development programs, as well as training, especially within the field of engineering. I am interested in being a member of the engineering teams at the esteemed company. Also, I am aware of the high employee retention at your organization over the years, and thus, I am interested in being part of the company to enhance growth in my career path. I look forward for a chance to share more details about my skills and how I am most suited for the structural engineering goals. I can be reached any time of the day through the number (___)_______. Alternatively, I can be through my email ___. I am looking forwards to your favourable consideration.






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