Approaches to prevent violence
The rules and regulations imposed in some communities are the leading cause of violence. Imposing interventions that challenge these cultural and social norms are considered their traditions (WHO, 2009). However, it is possible to change the perspective of these norms and, in the long run, prevent violence. To analyze how to prevent intimate partner violence, we consider three approaches, these are; social norm approach, mass media intervention, and Banning corporal punishment as they are discussed in detail below.
Social Norm Approach
The social norm approach is based on the assumption that people have mistaken the behavior and attitude of others. Risky behavior such as hazardous sexual, usually overestimated while conservative acts such as religious services are underestimated. This has a double effect on the functioning of the individual. Self-justification tends to be a part of the individual, and he chooses to be silent about it. Through the social norm approach, these individuals see the more realistic sense of actual behavior norms, therefore, reducing the risky behavior.
Mass Media Intervention
The mass media spread out messages to promote healthier behavior among individuals. The media plays a vital role in providing specific information concerning a subject. A proper intervention is when an individual has recently had a relationship misunderstanding, and the individuals are not together through social media a correct information concerning forging ahead seen on the internet may prevent violence.
Banning Corporal punishment
Corporal punishment is regarded as up bring in tooth and claw. Research shows that children brought up under corporal punishment tend to engage in the same. For instance, when two spouses living together, one was brought up through punishment while the other was pampered; a slight misunderstanding and the later will face violence since it is behavioral to the former.
It is a fact that violence in the world cannot be entirely eradicated, but rather a tremendous impact is made when these interventions are made. These violent behaviors depend on cultural norms to thrive in efforts of eradicating the violent behavior the cultural norms should be altered among the prominent to affect the rest of the community socially
World Health Organization. (2009). Violence prevention the evidence. Changing Cultural And Social Norms That Prevent Violence, 9,10,12. Retrieved 7 June 2020.