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Assessment context

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Assessment context

The purpose of this folio assessment is to produce a collection of information, resources and reflections. Creating this folio will help you develop your skills in navigating the Australian Curriculum or the Victorian Curriculum, recognising the way in which concepts progress throughout the curriculum and identifying relevant resources to support teaching and learning.

Your focus for the folio will be on one mathematical concept that you select, within the Number and Algebra Mathematics strand.

Assessment details

For this assessment task, you will be exploring the Mathematics learning progression throughout the primary years.

You will be required to choose three consecutive primary school levels to build your folio around (e.g. Level One, Level Two and Level Three). The focus for your folio will be on one concept that you select (within the Number and Algebra Mathematics strand). Once you have selected your concept and levels, you will be required to follow the steps below, using the template provided.


Related learning outcomes

This task is assessing your ability to demonstrate that you meet the following unit learning outcomes:

  1. Describe how the relevant National and/or State or Territory curriculum for maths encourages

understanding in mathematics and numeracy for children.

  1. Use ICT to develop children’s engagement with numeracy and mathematics.
  • Introduction: Write an introduction that describes how the National or State curriculum (Australian Curriculum or the Victorian Curriculum) encourages understanding in mathematics and numeracy for children. (approx. 250 words for this section – only complete once)
  • Concept: Clearly identify your selected concept within the Number and Algebra strand
  • Selected levels: Clearly state what your three consecutive levels area
  • Content description: Explore the Australian Curriculum or Victorian Curriculum and choose one content description (for each of your levels) to focus on, that directly correlates to the Number and Algebra concept that you have selected and shows a clear progression. Include the AC or VC code. (approx. 30 words for each of your year levels)
  • Curriculum connections: Describe how your selected concept (within the Number and Algebra strand) is addressed in the curriculum, how it progresses throughout each of your selected primary school levels and how student knowledge of this concept develops. Support with curricula documentation and academic literature, using in-text referencing. (approx. 200 words)

*Please note: If you select Foundation level as one of your levels, it is appropriate for you to then acknowledge the progression from the early years.


  • Resource: Find one resource (for each of your content descriptions) that you believe would effectively support the teaching and learning of each of your content descriptions. Please note: Two of the three resources must be ICT resources.

For each resource you must include the following information:

  1. the name of the resource
  2. evidence of the resource (e.g. screenshot and URL where applicable) and
  3. a brief description in your words (approx. 100 words for each year level)

Please ensure that you select specific resources (e.g. a specific app. or web-based activity) that directly link to your selected content descriptions.

  • Rationale: To accompany each resource, you are to provide a written rationale justifying how it can be used to enhance children’s learning and engagement with the selected content description. Each rationale must be supported by academic literature, using in-text referencing. (approx. 250 words per level).


  • Please ensure that you make links to academic literature and curricula documentation to support your statements. In-text referencing and a reference list at the end must be included. If academic underpinning is not evident, you cannot pass this assessment.
  • For this assessment task, you can choose to draw upon either the Victorian Curriculum or the Australian Curriculum.
  • A reference list is to be included at the end using APA6 referencing.
    Submission details:
    Please note: This assessment task is to be completed and submitted using the template provided in Canvas.

Assessment criteria

Your submission will be assessed against the following criteria:

  1. Describe how the relevant National or State/Territory curriculum for maths encourages understanding in mathematics and numeracy for children.
  2. Knowledge and understanding of how your selected concept is addressed and how it progresses throughout each of your selected levels.
  3. Depth and breadth of selected resources
  4. Use ICT to develop children’s engagement with numeracy and mathematics.
  5. Appropriate writing conventions, including APA referencing, punctuation, grammar, spelling, sentence structure and word choice.

To understand these criteria, it is important that you take some time to read the pre-submission check and assessment rubric below.



Criterion No Pass Pass






High Distinction


Describe how the National or State/ Territory curriculum for maths encourages Did not meet criterion.The description is confused in some places but is generally coherent and easy to read. There is someThe description is clear and easy to read. There is some evidence of understanding the National orThe description is clear and easy to read. There are various forms of evidence of understanding the National orThe description is coherent and well- structured. There are various forms of evidence of understanding the National or
understanding in mathematics and numeracy for children. (25%)evidence of understanding the National or State/ Territory curriculum and its intent in relation to mathematics and numeracy.State/Territory curriculum and its intent in relation to mathematics and numeracy throughout.State/Territory curriculum and its intent in relation to mathematics and numeracy throughout.State/Territory curriculum and its intent in relation to mathematics and numeracy throughout.
Knowledge and understanding of how your selected concept is addressed and how it progresses throughout each of your selected levels (20%)Did not meet criterion.A basic understanding has been demonstrated as to how the selected concept (within the Number and Algebra strand) is addressed and progresses across your selected primary school levels.A sound understanding has been demonstrated as to how the selected concept (within the Number and Algebra strand) is addressed and progresses across your selected primary school levels.A well-developed understanding has been demonstrated as to how the selected concept (within the Number and Algebra strand) is addressed and progresses across your selected primary school levels.A detailed and insightful understanding has been demonstrated as to how the selected concept (within the Number and Algebra strand) is addressed and progresses across your selected primary school levels.
Depth and breadth of selected resources  (20%)Did not meet criterion.A written rationale has been provided for each resource that, in most cases, demonstrates a developing understanding of how it can be used to enhance children’s learning and engagement with the selected content description.  Each rationale has been supported by academic literature in a basic way.Each resource is accompanied by a sound rationale that demonstrates an understanding of how it can be used to enhance children’s learning and engagement with the selected content description. Each rationale has been supported by academic literature.Research is evident as you have provided a variety of resources that would engage children and support learning in relation to the selected content descriptions.  Each of the resources is accompanied by a rationale that effectively synthesizes relevant ideas (quotes/ paraphrasing/supp orting evidence from academic literature) to demonstrate a sophisticated understanding.Original ideas are evident as you have provided a variety of engaging resources that would engage children and support learning with the selected content descriptions.  Each rationale demonstrates insight and a sophisticated understanding about how each resource can be used to enhance children’s learning and engagement with the selected content descriptions. Each rationale is seamlessly supported by academic literature. Limitations have been considered and included in the rationale demonstrating critical thinking. 


Use ICT to develop children’s engagement with numeracy and mathematics (25%)Did not meet criterion.ICT has been used as a vehicle for engagement with numeracy and mathematics but needed to be further integrated into the learning.
Two out of three resources are ICT resources.
ICT has been used as a vehicle for engagement with numeracy and mathematics and is mostly integrated into the learning. Two out of three resources are ICT resources.ICT has been used as a vehicle for engagement with numeracy and mathematics and is integrated into the learning.

Two out of three resources are ICT resources.

ICT has been used as a vehicle for engagement with numeracy and mathematics and is an integral component of the learning.

Two out of three resources are ICT resources.

Presentation and
APA Referencing (10%)
Did not meet criterion.The submission reads coherently. There are some spelling and grammatical errors throughout. APA referencing style has been followed but there are still many errors throughout. 

The submission reads coherently. There are minimal spelling and grammatical errors throughout. APA referencing style has been followed with some errors throughout.

The submission reads clearly and coherently. There are no spelling errors and minimal grammatical errors throughout. APA referencing style has been followed with few errors throughout.The submission reads clearly and coherently and is reflective of the academic writing style. There are no spelling and grammatical errors throughout. APA referencing style has been followed accurately.


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