Matsuo Basho is a name associated with the renowned Genroku era when most of the japan literary and artistic personalities thrived. Basho, the haiku master, was born in the 17th century near Kyoto in Japan. Shortly after Basho’s birth, the boarders of Japan were closed; this move was aiming at seclusion, which could flourish the native culture of Japan. Basho was interested in literature contrary to his other siblings became farmers, so while he was in the Ueno castle in the service of the lord’s son, the interest intensified. Later, when the young lord passes, Basho leaves the Ueno Castle and travels back to Kyoto, where he studied with the distinguished poet Kigin. Through these ancient years, he studied Taoism and Chinese poetry a soon afterward began writing the haikai no renga a poetry form of connected verses composed in collaboration. In this form of writing, the structure encompassed three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, a form called hokku which was, later referred to as haiku, a form Basho became a master of.
The Edo period (Tokugawa) falls between 1603 and 1867, which saw the transformation of the classical culture, government, and society. The Edo era is the ancient dynasty of Tokugawa, which lasted over 250 years. The era enjoyed its share of prosperity, political stability, peace, introduction to the new merchant class, and increased development in terms of urbanization. In guarding against the encroachment of the external and western influences into their territory, the dynasty closed off japan, especially in regards to Christianity. Tokugawa’s era’s main focus was on; reestablishment of order in political, international, and social matters, and this came after a series of warfare. The Ieyasu established a stable political structure that made it last that long, and it also prohibited anyone from owning large tracts of land. This era also came to an end in 1868 with another uprising from two powerful clans, which toppled the authority of the Tokugawa that is the Meiji emperor.
The Haiku form of poetry gained popularity in the 9th century. It is traditional Japanese poem that encompasses three lines which are short and do not rhyme. Haiku is considered to be more than a poem as it gives the reflective perspective of things and having a deeper understanding of the universe. A good haiku should leave the reader with a strong impression or feeling, should emphasize on simplicity, and include images from nature. Below is an example of haiku
An old silent pond…
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.
Autumn moonlight-
a worm digs silently
into the chestnut.
In the twilight rain
these brilliant-hued hibiscus –
A lovely sunset
This is an example of one of the Matsuo Basho’s haiku, the greatest poet in the period of 1644 -1694. Haikus can take any form like the one in the original composition bellow.
This poem is an original haiku on the beauty of the universe how different natural occurrences of the planet earth are related and significant.
The sun blazes the earth
Leaves sprouts to the light
Makes food efficiently
The earth eats the rain droplets
Dust consumed in water
An interesting downpour
The galaxy rich in glitters
All those are its treasures
Amazingly how nature existed.
In this poem, I am trying to expound on the amazing nature that we have, its significance to us, how, when the sunshine, the plants can make their food, which in turn feed us as humans. The universe is beautiful made of all the glitters in the sky from the stars and the moon. The poem intention is to foster environmental conservation, that through conservation we can enjoy all the beauty of nature. Whereas destruction of our surroundings exposes the universe to threats of global warming, which will consequently lead to damage. The poem to me mean elegance of the world nature.
Is the sea this unique and valuable? The bellow poem is an original composition on the amazing sea, the beauty of the sea to marine life in it. The fantastic voyages that happen in it and the mysteries, to the warfare out of wealth under the sea.
At the close, it looks like a flat playground
Alas! Its spherical navigators know
Life provides for
The entire globe it feeds
Numerous journeys reroute
Treasures of the wealth beneath
War has ensued.
The poem is about the sea, and all that the sea takes care of, and that is the human life to marine life. “Life it provides for” the sea provides experience for both humans and marine life, through the voyages cargo fleets carrying food can be shipped, and humans feed on the marine life supported by the sea. Beneath the sea lies the treasure of oil, which is the most significant cause of warfare globally, with territorial disputes ensuing every time. I am trying to draw the importance of the sea and how well we humans should manage it well and solve disputes amicably sine a lot is at stake.