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Become a Good Writer
In the modern world, writing is among the essential skills that one can possess. It is the basis upon which our intellectual and learning can be judged, be it in school or workplaces. It equips us with the necessary thinking and communication skills. Good writing not only evokes emotions but connects things as well. It is common to see writers judging themselves against the works of other writers. The writers with slicker prose and better vocabularies seem to be considered the best writers. To this end, it is enough to think or rather believe that good writers and good writing require formal learning. But this is not the case. Brande, 27 states that good writers do not necessarily quote the opinion of prominent writers like Shakespeare nor use complicated syllables. They do not impress their audience with slick syllables rhyming throughout the essay. Like any other excellent communicator, good writers worry about the connection of their audience o their story. Becoming a good writer is crucial if you want to connect your audience to your writing. Good writers like Shakespeare continue to influence prospective writers, each of them trying to becoming like them or even better than them.
Yes, good writing is essential, and the stories we tell matter. Becoming a good writer is important because of a variety of reasons. The most important reason is that effective writing can play a crucial role in persuading and enticing readers. Written work can communicate with thousands of people and can remain a permanent record. Therefore, to ensure that it remains influential, writers should develop well-written topics (Brande, 37). Arguably, no one would want to read poorly designed stories that they cannot relate to. Good writing fosters our capability of explaining and refining our ideas to ourselves and the audience. Well written topics can tell a story that the reader can relate. The stories writers tell sometimes offer the readers, archetypal role models; they can look to in certain circumstances. You will agree with me that in the face of difficulties, we sometimes relate to sa characters in books or novels who endured a similar situation. Books change the lives of the readers as they reflect on their lives. So, if as a writer, you cannot offer your audience what they need, no one will want to read what you have written.
The goal of any writer is to promote their work and make people trust them. If you are an excellent writer, readers will tend to look forward to reading your latest pieces of work. They will also spread the word of the type of writer you are, which will eventually promote your writing career. Therefore, becoming a good writer is the only way that can get you there. Readers tend to read the works of the authors they can trust. As a writer, I realized that one way of promoting my job is to find ways to make people discover and appreciate my work. Good writers are perceived to be more trustworthy and reliable. Proving this is quite easy. Imagine receiving an email with misspelled words and odd abbreviations. The first impression of the sender would be that either the person is not intelligent enough or he neglects to proofread.
With everything becoming digital now, becoming a good writer is one of the significant life achievements an individual can obtain. How a writer writes tells people more about who he is as a person while also portraying his expertise intelligence. Not unless you are to copy another writer’s work word by word, or follow given instructions, on what you are to write, your writing tells the readers what and who you are like. Writing is becoming even more critical due to the demand for jobs. Today employees judge who they think is well suited for their jobs. And there is no better way to judge employees other than how and what they write. If your writing does not meet their standards, they will assume you are not suited for the work. Having few punctual and grammatical errors may seem minor to a writer, but people do notice. Readers have the mentality that people who write well are more intelligent compared to their counterparts. Writers should proofread their work to ensure that the audiences do not dismiss them because of poor writing skills. Having flawless documents may present one as a smarter person writer than another writer whose work contains several typos.
To sum up, it is with no doubt that writing is among the most crucial endeavors known to humans. Becoming a good writer may take some time, but it will benefit the writer for the rest of their life. It will not only present a more intellectual and professional side of the writer but will also put him in a better position in the market. Arguably, good writers are a vital part of modern society. The works of those lucky enough to be deemed as good writers continue to influence people worldwide. Everyone wants to familiarize themselves with good writers who know how and when to relate with their audiences. Good writers should tell their work without hiding.
Work Cited
Brande, Dorothea. Becoming a writer. Lulu. Com, 2016.