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Best Practices

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Best Practices

Teamwork is a critical aspect in the workplace, among other numerous fields of interpersonal interaction. Understanding the vital elements of teamwork is crucial. It is especially critical considering that today, technology has brought about critical developments; they have enabled the use of many other means of communication and cooperation apart from the traditional face-to-face interaction. These crucial developments have necessitated the need for enhanced approaches to the element and concept of the ‘team.’ A virtual team is different in that interaction utilizes other channels other than the face-to-face approach. Means used include e-mails, video conferencing technology, among other technologies. Some of the differences between the virtual and traditional team approaches are in the aspects of distance, time, anonymity, and physical appearance – which often have impactful influence in the case of face-to-face interaction.

Various best practices have been put forward to enhance the interactive successes of interactions in virtual teams. First, it is vital to start early. A team is critically dependent on the quality of relationships and bonds within it. Virtual teams often have the problem of prolonging the development of these crucial relationships – hence the need to start early. Also, communication is an essential part of the team. The whole team must be of one mind in addressing any issues or tasks. The second best practice is frequently communicating. Frequent communication enhances the clarity and unity of mind and ideas in any team, virtual or face-to-face – a critical aspect.

Often, teams work on tasks that are on a bigger scale. Understanding the need to divide larger tasks into smaller and consequently easily manageable tasks is critical. The third best practice is then derived, multitasking on various elements of the team’s projects. Each individual must effectively understand their roles and responsibilities in this case. Furthermore, in the communication process, it is critical to acknowledge receiving another team member’s message – this is the fourth best practice for virtual teams. It is critical to ensure that all individuals are in-line with current objectives and tasks and to ensure that fallout in idea and communication cohesion does not occur.

Virtual teams require clarity of intent, targets, achievements, and other critical operational elements of a team. The fifth best practice is being clear about what one is doing or working to achieve. The fundamental need for this is brought about by the need to ensure that in-team processes, communication, relationships, and other critical elements are in sync; this is especially considering that due to the different non-face-to-face means incorporated, members cannot see what others are doing—finally, the aspect that is also fundamentally critical to teamwork – deadlines. The fifth best practice encompasses first, setting deadlines, secondly, ensuring that the whole team sticks to these deadlines. Deadlines are critical toward achieving success. They ensure that tasks and projects are efficiently paced.




Beebe, S., & Mottet, T. (2013). Business and professional communication. Allyn et Bacon.

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